2012年3月30日 星期五

ADHD - Information on Herbal Remedies and Natural Treatment

Nowadays the problem of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is increasing in both children as well as in adults. The category of ADHD is of highly controversial. It includes the main problem like:

1. Problem related with attention

2. Difficulties remaining physically and mentally relaxed and composed

Some of the important causes of ADHD are consumption of excess sugar, failure in the coordination in the reticular activating system of the brain, impairment in the neural coordination, due to some allergies, deprivation of oxygen at the time of birth, lead poisoning, dietary deficiencies, family history, smoking during pregnancy and many more.

Some of the important symptoms of ADHD are -

1. Facing difficulties in organizing task and activities

2. Making lots of careless mistakes while doing school activities

3. Not proper listening to the things what is being said

4. Misplacing and losing the belongings

5. Fidgeting and squirming in seats

6. Excessively talking

7. Difficulty in playing quietly

8. Not attentive to their class

9. Interrupting or intruding on others

These are the main symptoms which can be seen in children as well as adult. These symptoms are followed by learning related visual problems, sensory integration dysfunction and the allergies which are undiagnosed. Some people suffer from the symptoms of sensitivities to something they breathe, drink or eat.

Some of the important treatments are available for ADHD.

1. Conventional Approach Treatment

2. Alternative Approach Treatment

3. Herbal Treatment

4. Natural and Home Made Treatment

Herbal treatments are very effective in the treatment of ADHD.

1. One of the most important herbs for the treatment of ADHD is Brahmi. It is famous for its long history strengthening of thinking skills. While stimulating the learning process it is even better than drug deprenyl (Bhattacharya). Brahmi protects the brain from free radical damage.

2. A natural herb known as Ginkgo Biloba is very effective for the treatment of ADHD. Usually this herb is used in Chinese medicine. Ginkgo keeps the circulatory system healthy. It is very effective especially for the patient of older age suffering from memory loss and forgetfulness and in younger kids with focus difficulties.

3. Schisandra is one of the herbs which are frequently used for the treatment of ADHD. It increases the efficiency of the brain and the nervous system. It is a multi-use ADHD herbal remedy. This particular herb is very effective for the treatment of night sweats, diarrhea and also in insomnia. There are many herbal remedies for the treatment of ADHD.

Read about Brahmi Bacopa Supplement for patients suffering with ADD/ADHD. Also know about Ashwagandha Supplement Benefits to relieve stress.

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ADHD Diagnosis: Five Common Mistakes

The ADHD diagnosis is an important first step to helping children recover from severe inattention or hyperactivity. Unfortunately, the world of office medicine is very rushed, and it's easy for doctors to make the ADHD diagnosis without proper evaluation. Here are five common mistakes by doctors that lead to an ADHD misdiagnosis.

Failing to consider the context of the symptoms

It's not uncommon for children to get diagnosed and medicated for ADHD based solely on a parent's complaint or teachers report. However, true ADHD shows its symptoms in two different settings - not just one. I once treated a child who has tried three different kinds of stimulants; his mother was concerned because he was rapidly losing weight, and his symptoms weren't improving. He got diagnosed and treated for ADHD when she showed their doctor a letter from a teacher saying that he could never sit still or concentrate in class. When I asked her how he behaves at home, she immediately replied with, "He's perfectly fine at home. He doesn't seem to have a problem." Asking feedback from the rest of his family, his parents' friends, and Sunday school teachers confirmed his mother's observations - the child is not hyperactive or unfocused outside the school environment.

In addition, most doctors only get feedback about the child's behavior from one parent. To get a better picture of the child's problems, it's best to obtain a history from both parents, a teacher, a grandparent, and a relative or close friend who does not live with the family.

Assuming that a previous ADHD diagnosis is correct

Children hop from one stimulant to another because many doctors take the previous diagnosis at face value and assume it is correct. Do not assume that your doctor made the right diagnosis; when in doubt, seek a second opinion.

Failing to screen other disorders

Many parents don't realize that inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are not unique to ADHD; they are symptoms that point to a variety of problems, from autism to sensory integration disorder. Stimulant medications may suppress the symptoms temporarily, but they do nothing to address the real underlying problem.

Failing to interview the child

Most doctors skip interviewing the child and go straight to writing a prescription. It's important to hear about the symptoms from the child experiencing; this will give you a better picture of what's really going on. ADHD behaviors can be caused by many things - a bully at school, problems at home, or a boring curriculum.

Taking history from a non-parent

You'd be surprised at the number of kids who get taken to doctors' offices for an ADHD evaluation - an uncle, babysitter, or someone other than a parent. It's difficult to obtain a clear picture of the problem without a parent around.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is ADHD.

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2012年3月29日 星期四

ADHD - Impacting Peoples Lives

No matter what the name attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity goes by (ADHD, AD/HD), there is no denying that symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity can't help but have a negative impact on a person's life. While it may be difficult to equate these symptoms to real life challenges initially, ultimately it becomes quite easy after evaluating the list of the six possible challenges listed below. The list of possible challenges is very long but six of the most common are:




*Emotional reactivity

*Problems with relationships

*Self esteem problems



Those with ADHD often are operating at a level that could aptly be describe as running wide open while having a difficult time screening out trivial information and internal and external distractions without becoming flustered or frustrated. It is easy to see how emotional reactivity might occur under these circumstances. It is also easy to understand how disorganization combined with a feeling of losing control/or have lost control could be a regular part of the ADHD persons daily life.


While the symptoms may seem dire, it is a myth that just because you have ADHD you can't go to college, get a degree, or achieve great success. Nevertheless, the ADHD symptomatic personality may require additional help in managing and controlling their symptoms.  


The treatment most often suggested is prescription drug therapy consisting of stimulant medications. This category includes household names such as Ritalin and Adderall.  With over twenty million prescriptions filled annually it is not wonder that some experts are wondering whether these medications are being overprescribed. The glut of prescription medications and the potential side effect has led to a number of other natural treatment options gaining popularity. Among the long list of possible non-prescription options are diet, vitamins, repatterning therapies, and rebalancing therapies.


Among the most popular of the natural remedies is homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies for ADHD are part of the rebalancing therapy category which includes such complimentary treatments as manipulation (chiropractic), acupuncture, and sensory integration. Anecdotal evidence suggests that homeopathic remedies for ADHD can be very effective in treating such symptoms as hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness. Homeopathic remedies have been around for over 200 years and considered to be a very safe option that can be used either in addition to conventional treatment or as a stand alone treatment. If you are looking for a natural treatment option this may be and area worth considering.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about homeopathic natural health visit Purchase Remedies.com

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5 Effective Special Education Methodologies For Children With Autism

Do you have a child with autism, pervasive developmental disorder, or Aspergers Syndrome? Have you been searching for specific methodologies that could benefit your child's education? This article will discuss 5 that are proven to help children with autism learn.

Curricula that are used to teach children are required by law to be research based which means that they are proven to work to teach children. The problem is that many school districts are sticking to antiquated curricula and methodologies, rather than looking for research based ones.

Below is a list of 7 that you can ask for to benefit your child's education:

1. Applied Behavioral Analysis has been researched since 1987 and is proven to help children with disabilities learn. ABA is intense 1-1 from 25-40 hours per week. Children are taught skills in a simple step by step manner such as teaching colors one at a time. ABA is extremely expensive; between $35,000 and $50,000 per year. For maximum benefit the child should start as close to age 3 as possible and continue for at least 4 years. Many states are beginning to cover autism treatment, so check and see if your state is one of them.

2. Reading should be taught using a multisensory reading instruction that is Orton-Gillingham based. Make sure that any teacher that teaches your child has received the appropriate amount of training. Also make sure that they are giving your child direct instruction, for the amount of time that the reading system prescribes. Many school districts may use a good multisensory reading program, but do not train the teachers, and do not give the child direct instruction for the prescribed amount.

A few names of multi sensory reading programs are: the Barton Reading and Spelling System, Lindamood Bell system, and the Wilson reading program.

3. Social Skills can be taught by using the SOS system (Social Skills in School) by Dunn. Also Building Social relationships by Bellim, or Social Skills interactive software. A new method for teaching children how to develop relationships is called the Relationship Development Intervention.

4. For Central Auditory Processing disorder there are several effective methods available; Fast ForWord, Earrobics, and Berard Auditory Integration Training (called Berard AIT). Also make sure that the method used is used for the correct amount of time, or progress may be minimal.

5. For children with sensory integration disorder there is a program called the Alert Program: How Does Your Engine Run? Occupational therapy is also used for children with sensory integration dysfunction (SID-which most children with autism have). If your child is receiving occupational therapy for SID, make sure that the schools OT has the correct training, to deal with sensory integration issues. Ask for proof that they are SIPT qualified, before they are allowed to work with your child.

By knowing these 5 methodologies you will be well on your way to helping your child with autism learn. The internet can be used to find more information on those methods that you feel will help your child. Good Luck!

JoAnn Collins is the mother of two adults with disabilities, and has helped families navigate the special eduation system, as an advocate, for over 15 years. She is a presenter and author of the book "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game." The book has a lot of resources and information to help parents fight for an appropriate education for their child. For a free E newsletter entitled "The Special Education Spotlight" send an E mail to: JoAnn@disabilitydeception.com. For more information on the book, testimonials about the book, and a link to more articles go to: http://www.disabilitydeception.com

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A Revision of Gestalt Therapy: Bringing Gestalt Therapy Into The 21st Century

The therapeutic concepts I present here are not new; they are a snapshot of Fritz Perl's' Gestalt Therapy. However, the revisions I propose here are original, and are the revisions I make as I apply Perl's' Gestalt theories to modern psychotherapeutic practice. Dr. Frederick S. Perl's' Gestalt Therapy is an Expressional Therapy to treat mental illness, as opposed to the popular Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy taught in universities today. Though Gestalt has fallen out of favor in counseling education, I find it still has great merit, for it can be amended to suit the individual client's temperament, as well as to the temperament of the therapist who presents it. This is my attempt at that revision process.

Working with Resistances

Perls advised when there are resistances (avoidances or phobias) in the patient, to go further into them by amplifying them; by dramatizing them, giving voice to the "hidden desires," and allowing their expression. Expression is only a hunger to be heard; we are all hungry in different ways. If the client suffers from anger, magnify the expression of anger in the safety of the therapeutic setting. This can be accomplished utilizing Perl's' Chair Exercise, or through psychodrama, wherein the feared object is given permission to have "its say," such as, "playing rage," or "playing the obsessive" (smoker, eater, drug user, etc.).

Perls taught that to deny expression of such powerful emotions and compulsions causes not their cessation, but it's opposite, exacerbation; anything we resist persists. For example, during psychodrama the compulsive over-eater could be encouraged to finish the sentence, "I eat because..." until she has exhausted her verbal arsenal. This serves the purpose of giving the compulsion an audience. To answer questions "in character" and automatically, without censoring, is to stop suppression and encourage expression. Expression is art, and Gestalt was originally a European art movement which later Perls transformed into a psychotherapeutic movement.

I believe Gestalt done right is art. Today, however, Gestalt Therapy has been reduced to techniques, a therapy which has been downsized, reduced to its simplest form, a development which Perls would have likely found distasteful. What remains of Gestalt Therapy are the dismantled pieces of his originally holistic theory. Gestalt Therapy is an incomplete Gestalt now, which is an oxymoron; it's what Perls preached against. Perls conceived of the world in systems, as he was first trained as a medical physician. His methodology was to work to restore the equilibrium of the organism, not in part, but in the whole. He didn't advise "piece-mealing" his theory, nor "soft-peddling" it. I believe Perls would be disappointed but not surprised that his contributions to psychology have been confined to what he might have described as, "a dog and pony show."

Expressional Therapy

Perl's' vision was an Expressional Therapy, a highly interactive process which is an exchange between clinician and client, at times evoking emotional upheaval in the patient. His methods were not a cup of tea, or a walk in the park with the therapist; instead, his methods were a stiff shot of whiskey and a confrontation with supressed inner pain. For some, giving expression to the forbidden self, the subjugated, guilt-ridden, better-left-hidden self, is disquieting, distasteful and embarrassing. Shame is encountered, pain is unearthed, and old beliefs which are nasty, negative and shocking to the client come bubbling to the surface.

However, in the aftermath of exploration and catharsis of suppressed feelings and repressed memories, a restoration of the true, unhindered self occurred in Perl's' patients. The truth was bubbling to the surface at last, both in his patients, and as proof that his techniques worked. Gestalt at its finest is an excavation of the soul; unearthing emotions and memories buried in the forgotten field of the unconscious; perhaps filed away in Jung's Collective Unconscious. It is a retrieval method of touching upon what has been carefully buried, to see it afresh, for what it really is, and then to reset the broken bone. It is a reflective, benevolent act, in hopes that the suppressed traumata can be used to heal. This is the Gestalt Therapy that Perls envisioned and applied; the integration of the disowned parts of the personality, so the neurotic is freed of his rigid, relentless compulsions and fear of loving too much.

Non-Verbal Communication

I offer here a simple revision of some core Gestalt techniques, a therapeutic approach which I would rather call Expression Therapy, as Gestalt has left a bitter taste in some psychological historian's mouths. The first revision I would propose is Perl's' emphasis on the physiological resistances presented during therapy. Interpreting and analyzing non-verbal communication has some merit in the patient who squirms or smiles to cover up, or scratches nervously, for it gives the therapist non-verbal clues with which to draw out unspoken feelings. The client is physiologically compensating for the mental discomfort she naturally experiences while in the "hot seat" of the therapist's chair. To allow this natural discharge of pent-up anxiety is beneficial to the client.

Interpreting the body's movement as therapeutically significant is important collateral information for the therapist, but I believe not crucial. To make it a focal point and draw attention to the client's body language has slight therapeutic merit, but to dwell on it is to cause the patient to feel scrutinized and self-conscious, even more defensive than she already is. I believe non-verbal communication is a secret language for the therapist to read, as an indication of the patient's comfort level, or discomfort. To ask one body part (such as a hand) to "talk" to another body part (the other hand) about its nervous movements may be interesting for the therapist, but you run the risk of the patient feeling intruded-upon or scrutinized. I believe non-verbal communication should not be a focal point in therapy. Rather, it should be used as an adjunct to therapeutic interpretation.

Bear Trappers

Perls addressed how to manage difficult clients in therapy; these he referred to as "Bear Trappers." He refused to work with these patients unless they readily followed directions by cooperating. As Perls described, they "play along" cooperatively until you touch upon a resistance point, at which time they become triggered and then "lower the boom," or try and trap you, blaming and reproachful towards the therapist. All they can seem to do is to argue, to prove themselves right one more time. Perls would describe these clients as having "no ears," as they are not open to hearing the truth. I find these argumentative personalities to be the paranoiac characters, or those with Paranoid Personality Disorder.

Initially they present as charming, but easily revert to the "Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde" which they really are, when they don't wish to cooperate. The paranoid personality also is, as Freud said about the Narcissist, "His Majesty the Baby." Like the Narcissist, the paranoiac refuses to mature. He throws fits, demanding it be his way, or he will regress to manipulations and "out-smarting" the therapist in a show of egos to prove his superiority. The well-intending therapist then gets caught in a frustrating game of cat and mouse, and the therapist begins to feel "trapped." This game shifts the focus from the problems of the paranoiac to the supposed "ineptness" or "wrong conclusions" of the therapist, which is a diversionary tactic on the part of the paranoiac client, leading to high frustration for both client and clinician. This is why Perls refused to engage with unyielding defenses, and "threw them out" of the "hot seat" during group workshops.

Although I can sympathize with Perl's' frustration in treating Personality Disordered clients who are unrelentingly resistive or argumentative, to refuse to accept them into treatment is to offer these types little hope for recovery. I agree there are clients who present in counseling with the intent of proving the therapist wrong or inept so they can be vindicated in their own minds that nothing is wrong with them in the first place (as they have insisted all along). These difficult cases require firm but gentle approaches which provide direct feedback from the therapist, for to "stroke their ego" is what they are greedy for, but will help them. There should be a balance between dismissing them from the practice, and being a "whipping boy" for them.

The personality disordered person has no eyes. They have dysmorphia, a distorted self-image, or a scotoma; a blind spot, in which they cannot see themselves as others do. Either way, their self-image is distorted. They can neither see themselves as they are, nor do they see the environment as it is. Their sense of reality is warped. Rather than "prove" once again to the paranoiac that they are indeed an "outsider" by throwing them out of the practice and thus confirm their projections, our mission should be to help them develop eyes. It does not matter what I see before me; what matters is what they see in themselves. Personality problems are self-image problems. This laborious process of revealing the truth to the patient requires extraordinary amounts of patience. Like a blind person, you are asking them to see what they have not yet developed the eyes to see. They are at first "groping in the dark," which causes them frustration resulting in anger, which is displaced upon the world (and directed at the therapist).

Working with seriously personality disordered patients is a labor of love; it has to be. If you cannot feel any empathy for their lost-ness, their feelings of betrayal or being the object of persecution (all the while persecuting you), it is better that you do not work with them, for it will require empathy, strong boundaries and patience. To dismiss all "Bear Trappers" from therapy is, I believe, an inability of the therapist, and not conducive to progress for the client. However, to set expectations (boundaries) for the client (in the case of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, creator Dr. Marsha Linnehan explains to Borderline Personality Disordered patients that they will be dismissed if they miss a certain number of appointments), is healthy and equitable for all.

Boundaries are difficult to understand for personality disordered patients, so by making your clinical expectations clear at the outset is important for a productive working relationship. Paranoiacs want to blame, displace their anger and play the victim role. Clear boundaries allow you to remind them when they have stepped outside of the agreed-upon boundaries (remember, they don't have eyes for themselves). Ignoring their misbehavior or attacks on you will not help them; it will condone and perpetuate those inflammatory behaviors. The "middle-ground" with difficult clients is to make boundary agreements with them at the first acting-out behaviors, and to reinforce those agreements when they reoccur. In this way, through repetition, they learn to self-monitor, or to have eyes, and become increasingly self-aware of their "trapping" tendencies.

Bringing Gestalt Therapy into the 21st Century

The last point I will elaborate on regards the use of Gestalt Therapy into the 21st Century, and revising it so that it is more user-friendly for the modern practitioner. We must see Gestalt Therapy in the historical context in which it was developed. Dr. Perls was a German-born psychiatrist who fled Nazi Germany for South Africa, where another cultural upheaval was occurring. He came to prominence in America in the 1960's when there was an anti-establishment, civil war raging: students were revolting, the sexual revolution was happening, drugs were rampant, and young adults were demanding change. The slogan of the day was, "Turn on and tune out." Perls was listening to this outcry from America's youth for genuineness, creativity and most importantly, self-expression. Gestalt Therapy, an expressional therapy, was Perl's answer. His oft repeated phrase, "Loose your mind and come to your senses" was his way of saying, stop justifying, explaining and intellectualizing, and instead, experience yourself. In other words, let's get real. Fritz was about as direct and honest about his opinions as Dr. Laura Schlesinger!

While American culture has changed from a volitile revolution state to the information age, certain human needs remain remarkably stable. Gestalt Therapy can still answer those fundamental psychological human needs. An adept Gestalt Therapist will use the therapeutic tools Perls left behind, to excavate the human psyche, but must adapt them to their own personality, presentation and delivery style. Perls was an irascible character; a strong, determined, stubborn and sometimes inflexible product of three wars. He could not suffer "crybabies" who demanded patience, restraint or large dishes of empathy. He voiced his enthusiasm to work with students who were "open systems" only. To the "closed systems" he asked that they only return if they would work cooperatively with him.

For today's therapist, an update of the heavy-handed Gestalt approach is in order. A healthy dose of humanistic, Rogerian "unconditional positive regard" can temper the Gestalt approach, making it palpable for today's clients, making it the "spice" in the therapeutic "mix." Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the mainstay of universities because it appeals to a wide swatch of clients, is generally non-offensive, and has been empirically effective over time. My fervent hope is that the field of psychotherapeutics will not completely "bury" Gestalt Therapy because its creator was considered difficult to work with. Freud was a highly inflexible and neurotic character; however, we are indebted to him as the father of modern psychology, as he contributed more good than not to the field. We mustn't "throw the baby out with the bathwater" with Gestalt Therapy. I believe Perls contributed a theory and approach to psychotherapeutics that not only has merit, but can and should be re-evaluated for today's clients.

We live in a world where intellect and information is prized, and awareness of our feelings, sensibilities and sensitivities have been dulled. In Anti-Social Personalities, responsibility has been extinguished all together. There is a need, a great need, to again, "Loose our minds and come to our senses." Perls preached of sensory integration, which means being in such organismic balance that we are able to fully experience instead of intellectualizing our environment. To intellectualize is not to feel. To not feel is to deny our senses (both inner and outer). His philosophy of using our raw experience of the "now" moment is a popular New-Age theme; in this, Perls was ahead of his time in promoting that phenomenological, present-oriented approach. Perls knew something about today because his yesterdays were a nightmare. He found solace in discovering the present moment. He found a generation who were demanding change and new approaches, so he decried retrospective theories (Freud's psychoanalysis), while also denouncing future-oriented theories (Adler). He made a gift of what was left: taking full responsibility for our behavior in the present, resulting in a phenomenological and existential theory. Thus, he interpreted flight into the past or future as resistance.

For multiple reasons, Expressional Psychotherapy is a valid means of reacquainting our technologically-focused world with their actual experience of living. If we are freed to express our true thoughts and feelings instead of searching endlessly for the causes of traumata (as is the case in psychoanalysis), and if we can develop ears and eyes (self-awareness) enough to see our patterns of dysfunction, then we stand a chance of transformational change. Perls never said the process of therapy would be easy. He began his seminal work, "Gestalt Therapy Verbatim," with these ominous words:

"To suffer one's death and to be reborn is not easy."

I hope to see a resurgence of Gestalt's expressional therapy. For it to be "reborn again" may take some reconstruction work, but I believe it's worth it.

Nina Bingham, Counselor and Clinical Hypnotherapist
Catharsis Counseling, Portland, Oregon
(800) 935-8461

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2012年3月28日 星期三

ADHD and Learning Disabilities - Are They Different Conditions or Could They Be One In The Same?

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and can create serious obstacles in many areas of a person's life including their ability to learn. Learning disabilities on the other hand are a group of lifelong disorders that affect a person's ability to master basic skills such as reading, writing, doing mathematics, following instructions, and paying attention. As with ADHD learning disabilities are major roadblock in achieving academic, professional, and personal success and are among the leading reasons for failure in school.

According to the American Medical Association there are seven types of different learning disabilities. They are special impairment (dyslexia), writing disabilities (dysgraphia), language problems, inability to grasp basic mathematical concepts (dyscalculia), problems with time and space management, memory problems, sensory integration dysfunction, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Surprising isn't it that ADHD is listed as one of the seven rather than a separate condition which would include one or more of the other 6 learning disorders?

It is easy to see how confusion could reign supreme when discussing ADHD and learning disabilities since it is almost impossible to determine which one comes first.

Demystifying the confusion

As general rule someone with a learning disability is challenged in one, or maybe two areas, while performing at acceptable or even slight better than average in other areas. As you may recognize this is a very common occurrence. One example would be your child performing admirably in geography but is totally lost when it comes to basic math skills, and even worse when it comes to understanding math concepts.

You ask yourself how is this possible that I have a child that can find his way to the most obscure regions of the world but if forced to chart a course with a slide rule wouldn't have the foggiest idea about where to start?

On the other hand attention deficit disorder affects learning in a broader way and compromises all cognitive functions most of the time, rather than just one or maybe two. This is not measurable on tests, unless there was some kind of extenuating circumstance involved. For example if the test was given in a place filled with distractions.

When comparing ADHD and learning disabilities one important distinction to keep in mind is that learning disabilities can be diagnosed by the school, ADHD cannot. The reason is that ADHD is classified as medical condition that can only be diagnosed by a medical professional.

Could ADHD and Learning Disabilities be one in the same?

This idea goes against conventional wisdom but is certainly a possibility to consider especially in light on new information about the causes of ADHD.

It is now believed that ADHD is caused by an imbalance in the brain chemical dopamine, and possibly norepinephrine, alone with genetic brain communication abnormalities in specific areas of the brain. Both of these factors also play a role in most, if not all, of the learning disabilities listed above.

Additionally, many experts in field of ADHD research now believe that ADHD could be a combination of as many as 10 conditions with learning disabilities being right at the top of the list.

What next? For those struggling with ADHD and learning disabilities finding an effective treatment option/options is an important first step to overcoming the many challenges they may be facing. Prescription stimulants are often the treatment of choice. Examples would Ritalin, Adderall and non-stimulant medications such as Intuniv or Strattera. While for the most part effective, all stimulant medications come with a number of both long and short-term side effects risks.

The risk of side effects, or perhaps the lack of success (30% of the time), has prompted many to consider non-prescription options. A couple examples of these are behavior modification therapy and/or homeopathic ADHD remedies. Homeopathic remedies for ADHD and learning disabilities are a side effect free way to address such problematic symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, erratic behavior and hyperactivity and can be used both as a standalone treatment or in combination with other non-prescription alternatives. They also have been shown to produce long-term lasting benefits slightly over half of the time.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder along with information about safe and effective herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies for many of the most problematic ADHD symptoms Click Here

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5 Different Types of Autism - Spectrum

There are various types of autism and even one type cannot exactly be grouped into one single category, because there are as many categories of autism as there are people suffering from autism! To make it more complex, some autistic individuals look to be quite normal at first glance, whereas some others obviously look to be mentally challenged. Some types of autism can be treated with early diagnosis and therapy, whereas some other severe cases may never respond to treatment.

Because autism is so wide-ranging, it becomes difficult to define the particular type of autism. However, there is one way to assess to what severity the disorder may be affecting the individual. Many professionals may not accept this method and this is not mentioned in many books either, but autistic individuals could be divided on the basis of IQ level. Those having an IQ of lesser than 80 are categorized as to be in the 'low-functioning' autism (LFA) group and those who have score 80 or above in their IQ test are put in the category of 'high-functioning autism' (HFA).

IQ levels notwithstanding, the thing that really defines the level of autism is how independent the sufferer is and how well he can take care of himself. That is why the concept of using IQ tests to categorize autistic individuals remains controversial to date.

Many high IQ autistic individuals may actually find it very difficult to carry on independently with their daily lives, whereas low IQ victims may face minimal trouble with their condition. Hence the above cannot be regarded as a suitable yardstick to measure the type of degree of autism in an individual.

Asperger's and Kanner's syndrome

Both Asperger's syndrome and the autistic disorder, Kanner's syndrome are developmental disorders. In the latest scenario, the major difference between them is that Kanner's syndrome shows more typical and intense symptoms of the autistic disorder.

Kanner's syndrome shows an apparent 'slowing down' of the child's skills, delay in speech development and abnormal functioning in the child's social and/or psychological behavior. The child shows no interest in his environment and does not play with his toys or other children around. The symptoms of Kanner's syndrome show up by the time the child is 3 years old.

Asperger's syndrome, on the other hand, does not record any marked 'significant clinical delay' in the child's development. This is by far the milder form of autism, which responds well to therapy as well. This is the reason why some schools of thought use the terms 'Asperger's syndrome' and 'high-functioning autism' interchangeably.

Autism spectrum disorders

Some experts are of the view that autism is closely related to disorders such as Asperger's syndrome and Sensory Integration Dysfunction, which involves degeneration of the capability to integrate the information received from the sense organs.

Though some people believe that all these conditions overlap and there is some common genetic trigger that gives rise to these conditions, nothing can be said about it definitely. At present, researchers are still trying to find the exact trigger for these other related disorders.

Melissa Fox is a health professional very interested in Early Signs of Autism. She enjoys writing inspirational articles for Real Living. To learn more about various Types Of Autism please visit www.CausesOfAutism.org

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2012年3月27日 星期二

ADHD Test - Interactive Metronome

As if living with ADHD wasn't hard enough for children and their families, ADHD sufferers often experience a host of other neurological problems. Certain neurological and biological differences in their brain make some children with ADHD suffer from sensory integration problems, motor coordination difficulties, and problems with sequencing and planning. This is a serious concern because every part of human existence requires proper motor sequencing, from forming a sentence to the coordination required to walk and move. Although frequent accidents can suggest that your child may have motor coordination problems, you can find out for sure and treat the condition through a new, natural therapy called Interactive Metronome.

Interactive Metronome is a computer-based sound-therapy program designed to help children cope with developmental disorders and learning disorders, but its diagnostic capabilities can also asses a child's motor skills, auditory processing, and motor coordination. At the initial clinical evaluation, a technician will ask the child to perform skill-based tests to measure his or her sound processing skills, auditory processing skills, vocal analysis, and hearing function. The child will also have to perform coordination, stability, and balance tests to see if he or she has problems coordinating limb movements.

If the tests indicate that your child's coordination scores do not match the median data for his or her age group, your child will require Interactive Metronome therapy sessions. At a typical session, your child will be performing goal-oriented tasks that require him or her to do hand and foot movements to a computer-generated beat. These exercises are designed to stimulate the brain's neuroplasticity, its innate ability to heal itself, as well as important regions of the brain like the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and prefrontal cortex. Your child will be scored in real time based on how well he or she matches the beat, making it easier to track your child's progress.

One of the Interactive Metronome devices used by physical and occupational therapists is called the Gait Mate. This device is a wireless insole placed in your child's shoes in order to detect when your child's heels meet the floor. A beat is played through a headset and your child is asked to walk to the beat. The Gait Mate gives feedback as your child performs the tasks, and provides instructions to speed up or slow down as needed. When your child adjusts his or her movement, the device continues to guide your child's performance through a series of instructions and rewards.

Just how effective is the Interactive Metronome in treating ADHD naturally? A double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the March 2001 issue of American Journal of Occupational Therapy showed that individuals with ADHD experienced remarkable improvements in motor coordination, control, and attention, and better control of impulsivity, aggression, language processing, and reading. If you'd like to find out how Interactive Metronome can help your child, visit www.interactivemetronome.com or consult a neurologist, occupational therapist, or chiropractor.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about ADHD tests.

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A Nation of Time-Wasters

A Nation of Time Wasters?

Statistics are an easy way to organize your thinking. It improves attention span, comprehension and long-term memory. Here's a good one: 78% of readers skip-

over boring statistics unless they are masters of the subject discussed.

Get this: the Gallup poll researchers find the majority of Republicans (51%+)

are not convinced of Evolution. Many interviewed are insulted Darwin suggested there are ancestor monkeys in our genome.

So what, it's a free country, as long as they are not voting on the educational curriculum, right?

Continuing right along on statistics: U.S. employees (according to time/effort engineers) waste a minimum of two (2) hours daily. This is in addition to

lunch hour and two additional breaks.

It breaks down to: 45% spend their two hours surfing the web, 23% socializing about sports and romantic involvements, 7% attending to their personal business,

and 4% engaged in snoozing.


It is easier for scientists to explain Attention Deficit Disorder than simple, basic

attention. When you ain't got attention, you cannot focus, concentrate and use

your intelligence. The cause of inattention and lack of concentration is distraction.

Attention is derived from Latin meaning to stretch. To date scientists have not

explained consciousness; a majority do not agree on the location of

consciousness. We can agree that without consciousness - no attention.

In September 2007 the first evidence was offered consciousness is located in the

Thalamus area of the brain. Physicians placed a pacemaker (DBS deep brain electrical stimulus) in the thalamus of a patient comatose for six years; and he became conscious, awake and speaking.

Five Degrees of Attention

a) Focused Attention: using your volition to choose to a sensory

stimuli and inhibit the distract of others. It's your decision.

b) Sustained Attention: you must refocus your attention

continuously to maintain it.

c) Selective Attention: battle between competing stimuli.

d) Alternating Attention: you have the volition to shift

between different stimuli back-and-forth.

e) Divided Attention: multi-tasking successfully.


Intelligence is the ability to consciously (no robots need apply) focus attention

for concentration.

Overt attention is using your volition to direct your senses (eyes-ear-touch)

to a specific stimulus. Covert (hidden) attention is when you focus on one of

several (five) sensory stimuli. So what? Directed Mental Effort makes perfect.

How we use our eye movements for foveal (sharp, acute vision) or peripheral

vision (out-of-the-center) is an example of overt and covert attention. Foveal

vision produces six-letter wide sight, while peripheral can access up to 36 letters

wide or six-words.

Foveal uses cone and rod photoreceptors to produce sharp vision in color. Peripheral depends on the rod photoreceptors for a wider view. Speed reading

depends on both, with peripheral vision dominant.

Executive Attention

Consciousness operates through your cerebral cortex to process cognition, processing your goals independent of your motor and sensory responses.

Google: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous systems of your Autonomic Nervous system.

Sympathetic uses adrenalin (epinephrine) and cortisol for Fight-or-Flight, and Parasympathetic (acetylcholine) balances your nervous system for relaxation.

Our executive attention (a/k/a/ cognitive control and executive function) is located

in the parieto-frontal cortex of your brain. It controls your thoughts and actions

to create in most us, coherent activities. You function socially to contribute to your

society. Executive attention is subject to improvement by training and experience.

Neural Networks

Attention is based on the firing of your synapses. Donald O. Hebb coined a phrase

still useful decades later, "the cells that fire together wire together" (permanently into circuits). Experience produces enhanced neuronal firing and you improve in

your skills.

Google: D. L. Strayer, 2003 Cell phone induced failures of visual attention.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 9, 23-32

Let's Get Crazy

Irrelevant speech (by others) reduces test performance up to 66%. Chatter or music

disrupt memory, reasoning and problem solving up to 50%. They produce

employee frustration and loss of productivity (up to 30%).

Traced by fMRIs, there are changes in processing by the 8th cranial nerve governing auditory reception and equilibrium (balance). Google: vestibulo-ocular-reflex.

A Powerful Resource

The sound of the phrase Hu as in Hu-man being, relaxes the brain and reduces

stress and anxiety. To appreciate the power inherent in repeating Hu -u-u-u for

60 seconds, you must do a thought experiment, not read statistics.

The mantra (focusing sound) Hu, has an ancient history derived from the Sanskrit

(Indo-European) word for God. Five thousand year old Egyptian records

discuss the use of Hu to reach a higher spiritual state.

Hu is noted by the Sufi Mystic Saints of Tibet, the Druids, and even the Kabbalah

as the original sound creating the universe. It has been compared in power to

the primary mantra - AUM.

It has been reliably tested to reduce insomnia, induce deep relaxation, and improve

attention, long-term memory, and concentration.

We suggest you test it now. Feel the vibrations on your lips, nose and face. Focus simultaneously on producing the Hu sound for 60 seconds with your

eyes closed, while being aware of your breathing.

It works equally well with your eyes open or closed, silently or in a humming sound. Students use it prior to exams to avoid the flop-sweats. Executives testify it juices up their presentations. Do your own experiment to verify professional testimonials.


An EEG (Electroencephalograph) measures the electrical frequencies of the brain.

Beta rhythm: 13 to 40 cycles per second (Hertz); Alpha Rhythms: 8-12 cps (Hz)

Theta Rhythms 3-7 cps (Hz); Delta Rhythms 0.5-2.05 cps (Hz).

These four Neurofeedback responses begin with Beta: alert consciousness, to Alpha:

eyes closed alert awareness; Theta: deep relaxation and learning integration; Delta:

sleeping and dreaming. Attention is a metric of an EEG.

We recommend you 3x your learning speed and 2x your long-term memory for improved efficiency of your Executive Attention. Ask us how.

See ya,

copyright H. Bernard Wechsler http://www.speedlearning.org hbw@speedlearning.org


Author of Speed Learning for Professionals, published by Barron's; partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of speed reading, graduating two million, including the White House staffs of four U.S. Presidents.

Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal and fortune Magazine for major articles.


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2012年3月26日 星期一

ADHD In A Nutshell

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has had many alternative labels, including attention deficit disorder (ADD), minimal brain dysfunction, hyperkinetic syndrome, and developmental hyperactivity. This syndrome appears in early childhood and may have a lifelong course. Research findings show a primary deficit in the ability to inhibit responding, to delay responding, or to tolerate externally imposed delays in behavior once a task is begun.

Students with ADHD do not see the value in working hard at school, and academic achievement is often below the student's measured Intelligence. Sustained mental effort tends to be inherently punishing. Conflict with parents and teachers is common. Compared to most individuals of the same age there is more variability in the ADHD person's behavior across situations and time. Classrooms and other group settings requiring sustained attention to task produce much more symptomatic behavior than one-to-one situations, novel settings, or situations in which the person receives frequent feedback or reinforcement.

As of 1994 the American Psychiatric Association recognized three types of ADHD: combined type, predominantly inattentive type, and predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type.

There are nine criteria for diagnosing the inattentive type. Six or more of these must have been often or very often true for at least six months in order to make a diagnosis of ADHD. These criteria are that the person fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities; has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities; does not seem to listen when spoken to directly; does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace; often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities; avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort; loses things necessary for tasks or activities, such as school assignments, pencils, books, or tools; is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli; and is forgetful in daily activities.

There are also nine criteria for the hyperactive-impulsive type. As with inattention, six or more of these must have been true often or very often for at least six months in order to make a diagnosis of ADHD. Six of these relate to hyperactivity: the person fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat; leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected; runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate or has subjective feelings of restlessness; has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly; is on the go or acts as if driven by a motor; and talks excessively. The final three criteria in this set cover impulsivity: the person blurts out answers before questions have been completed, has difficulty waiting for his or her turn, and interrupts or intrudes on others.

The diagnosis of ADHD also requires that some of the symptoms appeared before age seven, that the symptoms impair functioning in at least two settings (e.g., school and home), that there must be impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning that is clinically significant, and that the symptoms are not caused by another mental or physical disorder.

For children and adolescents at least six criteria within both sets of nine must be met to make the diagnosis of ADHD, combined. Experts on ADHD have not reached consensus on making the diagnosis in adults; however, evidence exists that suggests when an adult meets at least four of the criteria in a given set, making the ADHD diagnosis is appropriate. Gathering retrospective data on the adult's behavior in childhood can be helpful in clarifying whether the diagnosis is appropriate.

Regardless of the age of the patient, personal history and current symptoms form the basis for making the diagnosis. Particularly for children and adolescents many questionnaires are available to help in determining whether ADHD is present. Common clinical practice calls for using multiple informants to fill out a variety of such measures. No medical laboratory tests are useful in diagnosing ADHD. Psychological tests are also of little value in making the diagnosis. Many computerized tests for measuring sustained attention to task are available, but most of these do not appear to be helpful in discriminating ADHD from other disorders.

Inattention, fidgeting, overactivity, and impulsivity are common in young children. They are also often present in children with lower intelligence who are placed in academic settings that do not match their ability or in intellectually gifted children who are understimulated. In addition the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity can appear in a number of other disorders. Although there is some overlap in some of the symptoms that define ADHD and these other disorders, the diagnostic criteria in use as of the mid-1990s are sufficiently clear to discriminate among these disorders.

Comorbidity refers to the phenomenon in which persons with one disorder have a greater-than-chance probability of having one or more other disorders. ADHD has a number of comorbidities. Up to 85% of ADHD children have at least one other diagnosable behavioral, emotional, or learning disability. They also have more minor physical anomalies, wet the bed more frequently, have more physical accidents, manifest greater sleep problems, and have more aches and pains than other children. They are most at risk for oppositional, defiant, and antisocial behavior problems. ADHD appears to raise the risk of substance abuse, job failure, marital discord, and divorce, but longitudinal studies suggest that it is comorbid oppositional, defiant, and aggressive behavior that places the child at high risk for serious problems in later life rather than the ADHD symptoms themselves.

ADHD is the most frequent referral problem to clinics and professionals that serve children and adolescents with behavioral or psychological problems in the United States. It occurs across cultures and socioeconomic levels. This disorder is diagnosed substantially more often in boys than in girls. There appears to be a significant hereditary contribution to the appearance of the disorder. If a child's parent had ADHD, the child has more than a 50% chance of having the disorder. The basic problem does not seem to be a problem in attention; rather, it is an impairment in cortical regulation of response inhibition and impulse control.

The effective treatment of ADHD children is multifaceted. Drugs are typically one part of the treatment regimen. From 70% to 90% of ADHD children benefit from one of the psychostimulants: methylphenidate, amphetamine, and pemoline. Available evidence indicates that adolescents and adults also benefit from stimulant medication.

Although individual play therapy or psychotherapy has no demonstrated helpfulness in treating ADHD, other psychological interventions are recommended. Parent training is standard practice (see Parent Training Programs). This training covers many points. The child's difficulties are not a result of faulty parenting. The symptoms will make parenting difficult, demanding, and complex. Parenting that includes writing and managing parent-child contingency contracts will be helpful. These contracts identify what the parents want the child to do and not to do as well as the specific consequences the child will receive for the desired behaviors. Catching the child being good, delivering rewards immediately and frequently after good behavior, and using mild punishments such as time out and response cost are some of the keys to success.

Psychological consultation with the child's teacher is also important. The purpose of this consultation is to identify what educational services will benefit the student and to establish a contingency management program at school similar to the one used by the parents at home. The home and school programs are often linked by the teacher's sending home a daily report on the child's behavior and academic performance. This report allows the parents to reinforce good behavior that occurs at school. Academic tutoring by adults or peers is often helpful.

Direct therapeutic work by mental health professionals includes social skills training; coaching in goal setting, in self-monitoring of progress toward goals, in making plans to reach one's goals, and in using timers, checklists, organizers, and other tools for self-management; and family therapy.

In dealing with ADHD in adolescents, all of the procedures outlined may be used, but there is value in emphasizing the self-control strategies, including cognitive-behavior therapy. When the patient is an adult, self-regulation approaches also are relevant. Marital therapy by a professional experienced in treating ADHD may be helpful.

Various experts have proposed the value of a number of other treatments without providing adequate scientific evidence of their effectiveness. Among these treatments that do not have empirical validity are eliminating food additives or sugar from the diet, the use of megavitamins and mineral supplements, taking anti-motion sickness medication, antifungal medication combined with a low-sugar diet, biofeedback targeting brain waves, sensory integration training, the chiropractic neural organization technique (applied kinesiology), and optometric training.

K.C. Brownstone

K.C. Brownstone is an independent scholar who believes that critical thinking and spiritual reasoning should not be mutually exclusive. She received theological education from Dallas Theological Seminary and Asbury Theological Seminary. Personal subjects of interest are psychology and counseling.

Blog: [http://www.QuasiChristian.com]

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KCBrownstone

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ADHD Diagnosis: When to See a New Doctor

Part of the initial interview involves asking a new patient about how they got their ADHD diagnosis (if they were already given one), what treatments they took, and its effects (or lack thereof). This gives me a better idea of what new treatments to try. Their experiences have also helped me determine a few "warning signs" that suggest that it's time to see a new doctor, therapist, or health care specialist for ADHD. Here are some of them.

Advocates only one treatment

If the doctor says that the only way to treat ADHD is with drugs, or if the only educational material he gives you are drug company brochures or pharmaceutical pamphlets, consider seeking help somewhere else. Additionally, walk out of the office if the doctor says that behavioral training, a team approach, or a holistic approach is not necessary for your child's recovery. Also be wary of doctors who push only one treatment without exploring other options.

Veterinary medicine

This is when a doctor only talks to you and ignores the child - the actual patient. A doctor cannot help a child recover from a neurologic condition without knowing what goes on in that child's head, and the only way to find out is to let the child speak.

Does not believe in ADHD

Your child won't get the help he or she needs from a doctor, therapist, or counselor who says that his ADHD symptoms are just "growing pains" or indicators of poor discipline, stubbornness, or laziness.

The diagnosis is made too quickly

Be wary of doctors who do not bother to find the causes of your child's symptoms, especially when starting a new treatment or drug. A nutritional deficiency, sensory integration disorder, and anxiety are just some of the many health conditions that mimic ADHD, and many of them cannot be treated with medication. For this reason, diagnosing ADHD is a complicated process that should involve several steps and tests; only by uncovering the roots of the symptoms can a treatment yield desired results.

Does not listen to input from others

Consider seeking a different doctor if he or she downplays the input and observations from teachers, other family members, friends, or siblings.

Does not paint a realistic picture of your child's condition

We want to give our patients hope and assure them that everything is going to be fine, but a good doctor should also provide you with a realistic picture of your child's condition and treatment. ADHD is not a disorder that will magically go away; it is a lifelong condition that your child must learn to manage for the rest of his or her life. When treating ADHD, there are no guarantees that everything will get better once a treatment kicks in; new situations and certain conditions may cause symptoms to flare up unexpectedly. Additionally, a child's treatment plan should encourage him or her to take a proactive role, if you hope for long-term results.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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2012年3月25日 星期日

ADHD Alternative Treatments - A Side Effect Free Option to Prescription Medications

ADHD alternative treatments can be a helpful alternative when used with other primary treatments and are a side effect free way to rein in such problematic ADHD symptoms as inattention/distractibility, impulsivity, and hyperactivity/restlessness. While many in the mainstream would choose to conveniently discredit alternative ADHD treatments in favor of stimulant prescription medications the research simply doesn't support their view. Study after study shows that one form of treatment alone rarely produces better results than a multi treatment approach. In fact one study actually put a form of psychotherapy on equal footing with prescription medications such as Ritalin.

In this article we will be mainly focusing on neurofeedback therapies and experimental therapies that most experts in the field of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder believe to be credible.

Neurofeedback is a therapy reserved primarily for adults and is often referred to as EEG-biofeedback or neurotherapy. The assumption of doctors in this area of medicine is that neurofeedback improves the overall level of activity in the brain thus improving ADHD symptoms. During the therapy session electrodes are hooked up to the scalp to give your doctor a birds-eye view of what is happening in that skull of yours. Your readings are then compared to a database of normal brain readings to isolates and measure discrepancies. Once isolated a series of learning exercises are chosen to stimulate those areas of the brain which are weak. Neurofeedback therapies are considered to be somewhere between conventional and experimental and definitely have strong support in certain areas of the medical community.

Experimental therapies on the other hand haven't been readily embraced outside the natural health community. Nevertheless, naturopaths and specialist in the field of natural medicine base their whole treatment approach on these unconventional forms of ADHD alternative treatments. These therapies are generally considered side effect free and safe for all ages.

What are referred to as balancing therapies are at the center of the ADHD alternative therapies falling under the umbrella of experimental therapies. These would include homeopathic medicines, yoga, chiropractic adjustments, osteopathy, and acupuncture. These treatments are applied on a broader full spectrum scale which could be aptly defined as total mind and body therapy. They work to moderate and manage ADHD symptoms by reducing stress, slowing racing thoughts, and producing a feeling of general relaxation and wellness. Where neurofeedback tends to reeve up the brain, many experimental solutions try to give an already stressed brain a rest, thus allowing time to recalibrate brain chemical balance.

Other examples that fall under the heading of experimental ADHD alternative treatments are sensory integration, auditory integration, and vision therapy. While results of these forms of treatments have not been scientifically documented there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence to support their efficacy. However, they seem to be at their best when combined with other forms of more conventional treatment such as cognitive behavioral therapy.

If you would like to learn more about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD or the alternative treatments for ADHD worth considering Click Here. R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase Remedies.com.

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ADHD Test - Urinary Peptides

Ask any doctor, and he will tell you that medication is the best and only way to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Western medicine believes that ADHD is a genetic and chemical issue that can only be corrected by stimulant medication and some behavioral therapy. While there is indeed a genetic and chemical aspect to the disorder, ADHD is also caused by other environmental triggers and bodily imbalances.

One of these environmental triggers is the food intolerances that infiltrate the immune system, the digestive system, the nervous system, and the brain. Allergologists have discovered that a large number of children with ADHD also suffer from an intolerance to gluten and casein, complex proteins found in wheat and dairy products, respectively. Wheat and milk are ingredients of many foods we normally eat, but most people have trouble digesting gluten and casein. When gluten and casein are partially digested, they form harmful peptides that induce morphine-like effects on the body: you feel drowsy and sedated, and concentrating on tasks and maintaining your attention require far more effort. In severe cases, peptides from gluten and casein alter speech, sensory integration, and behavior.

Treating ADHD should involve eliminating the source of the intolerance, but before we can even begin to talk about treatment, we need to uncover the causes. Although Western medicine has certain tests and technologies that detect food intolerances, they are unable to objectively determine the particular substance causing the intolerance. To see if intolerance to gluten and casein is aggravating your child's ADHD, you will need a specialized test called "urinary peptides," which is offered only by chiropractors and alternate health care practitioners.

The urinary peptides test is a non-invasive method of measuring the peptide content in your child's urine sample. A healthy gastrointestinal tract may have a few peptides present, which are harmlessly eliminated through urine. However, a diet high in dairy and carbohydrates combined with a problematic digestive system will result in an excess number of peptides in the urine. In fact, not all the peptides are excreted efficiently; some make their way to the bloodstream and the brain, where they bind with the nervous system's opioid receptors and produce their morphine-like effects.

The urinary peptides test requires a 10 ml sample of your child's urine. Your child does not need to fast before the test; in fact, it would help if your child maintains his or her eating habits. Through methods like spectrometry, HPLC, and RA methods, a lab technician can identify the presence and levels of peptides in your child's urine. The peptide content in the urine is also reflective of the peptide content of the blood, because the elements found in urine are waste elements of the blood. If the test reveals that your child has an excess amount of peptides in his or her urine, your child will have to follow a gluten-free, casein-free diet as part of the treatment protocol.

To obtainthe urinary peptides test, visit http://www.genovadiagnostics.com and look for a test called "Urinary Polypeptides with IAG." Remember, the urinary peptides test is just one part of a comprehensive testing protocol. Experts recommend that your child be tested for food allergies, because children with gluten and casein intolerance are more likely to be intolerant to other substances.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about adhd test.

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2012年3月24日 星期六

5 Areas of Special Education Testing and Test Recommendations to Help Your Child

Do you have a child with autism or a learning disability that will be receiving special education testing from your school district's school psychologist? Would you like to know what areas should be covered, as well as a small list of tests, that may help determine your child's educational needs? Then this article is for you, because it will be discussing areas that children in special education need to be tested in, and particular tests that you could ask for.

Area 1 and test recommendations: Occupational Therapy: A VMI should be done on any child with fine motor issues. VMI stands for Visual Motor Integration and deals with eye hand coordination. A Bender Gestalt Visual-Motor Integration test or the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration could be used.

Also if your child has issues with sensory integration they should receive a Sensory Integration Praxis Test by a qualified Occupational Therapist who has successfully completed a USC/WPS Comprehensive Program on Sensory Integration.

Many school OT's are not specifically trained in the area of sensory integration, and cannot make a diagnosis of Sensory Integration Dysfunction. If you are offered a sensory profile for your child, say no and ask for a SIPT test by a qualified Occupational Therapist. The sensory profile is for screening only not as a diagnostic tool.

Area 2 and Test Recommendations: Speech and Language: CELF test is the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals and tests the child in all areas of language development. The areas of Receptive, Expressive, Language Structure, and memory are tested. The Goldman Fristoe test is used for articulation. Make sure that your child's language ability is tested not just their speech ability. Lack of language can affect your child's ability to learn to read.

Area 3 and Test Recommendations: Central Auditory Processing Disorder can affect children's ability to learn to read. The Reading Reflex can be used to determine an auditory processing deficit. The TOVA can also be used to help diagnose a central auditory processing disorder.

Area 4 and Test Recommendations: Testing for Dyslexia. Many children who struggle with reading have undiagnosed Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. Dyslexia results from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to the child's ability.

The CTOPP which is the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing can be used in this area. This test assesses phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming.

Other areas to be tested include letter knowledge, reading comprehension, reading fluency, and spelling. For these the Reading Comprehension subtest of the Wechler Individual Achievement Test could be used.

Area 5 and Test Recommendations: Every child with a disability should be tested for adaptive skills and functional skills. Many school districts us a Vineland to test for adaptive skills, which is appropriate for younger children. For older children over 11, I would recommend the Scale of Independent Behavior because it addresses adaptive areas, that apply to older children including job readiness.

The tests mentioned in this article are only recommendations. Check on the internet for other tests that may test the same areas. An independent evaluator can also help in this area, as they probably will be aware of different types of testing. Stand up for your child and make sure that every area of educational need is tested and educational services offered.

JoAnn Collins is the mother of two adults with disabilities, and has helped families navigate the special education system, as an advocate, for over 15 years. She is a presenter and author of the book "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game." The book has a lot of resources and information to help parents fight for an appropriate education for their child. For a free E newsletter entitled "The Special Education Spotlight" send an E mail to: JoAnn@disabilitydeception.com For more information on the book, testimonials about the book, and a link to more articles go to: http://www.disabilitydeception.com

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3 Ways to Use the 13 Disability Categories to Benefit Your Child With a Disability!

Are you the parent of a child with a disability that has been unable to convince special education personnel that your child needs special education services? Did you read my number 1 article; What are the 13 Categories of Disability for Special Education Eligibility, and wonder how you could use this information to benefit your child? This article is for you, because I will be discussing 3 ways for you as a parent to use the 13 disability categories, to benefit your child.

#1 Way: Bring the eligibility category list to your child's eligibility meeting. Use this list to advocate that your child's disability is one of the covered 13 disabilities in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004). For Example: Schools are reluctant to recognize Specific Learning Disabilities and provide correct remediation, so knowing the definition of Specific Learning Disability (Exhibits a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes-such as visual, motor language etc-which negatively affects a child's education) can help you advocate for this disability category. Once your child is identified as LD you can investigate what the research based method is to re-mediate your child's learning disability, and advocate for these services for your child.

#2 Way: Use the list to advocate for an appropriate disability category for your child. In order to determine appropriate services and remediation that a child needs, the child's disabilities must be appropriately determined.For Example: Many school personnel want to state that children with Autism actually should be categorized as Emotionally Disturbed (ED). While the disability category is not supposed to determine services, in reality it often does; and children with ED categories are often denied educational services. In this example use the definition of ED from my article "... an inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors" to advocate that your child has other issues that are affecting their ability to learn, so therefore your child cannot be labeled Emotionally Disturbed. Many children with Autism have issues related to the Autism, Sensory Integration issues, expressive and receptive speech difficulties, and Learning Disabilities that may explain their difficulty with learning. This leaves out ED as a disability category, because the child has other issues that are causing the difficulty with learning.

#3 Way: Use the category list to educate yourself about the category of OHI: The child exhibits limited strength, alertness, due to chronic or acute health problems, including but not limited to asthma, ADD/ADHD, etc, which negatively affects your child's education.

Be careful about allowing your school district to use this category if your child has ADD or ADHD, and may have learning disabilities. Some school districts may be offering OHI as a compromise when parents believe that their child may have Learning Disabilities. The school district may then refuse to give the child educational services, that they may need. OHI is not a compromise for a specific learning disability category, in my opinion. Children with Learning Disabilities need appropriate remediation which can only be given if the child's Learning Disabilities are recognized by special education personnel.

By educating yourself about the 13 Disability categories you can increase your child's chance of being found eligible for special education services, and also increase their chances of being found eligible under the appropriate disability category. It will also increase your child's chances of receiving an appropriate education! Keep fighting for your child, they are depending on you.

JoAnn Collins is a successful special educational advocate for over 20 years and author of the book "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game!" The book is filled with truths about special education, for parents, and lots of easy to use advocacy tips. Check out her blog at: http://specialeducationspotlight.disabilitydeception.com. For more information on the book and special education as well as testimonials on her book, please go to: http://www.disabilitydeception.com. For questions or comments feel free to E mail me at: JoAnn@disabilitydeception.com.

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2012年3月23日 星期五

ADHD Diagnosis: Are Preschool Kids Too Young?

It's normal for very young children to talk uncontrollably, have difficulty sitting still at the dinner table, and avoid tasks that require sustained mental effort. After all, many desired behaviors are more developmentally appropriate for elementary-aged children than for pre-schoolers. Are preschool kids too young for an ADHD diagnosis, especially when it is normal for them to be impulsive, hyperactive, and inattentive?

The medical diagnosis of ADHD is given to a child if he or she meets 12 out of 18 diagnostic criteria in two different settings for at least six months. These criteria include behaviors like "does not follow through on instructions," "runs as though driven by a motor," and "often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat." Telling as these behaviors might be, these symptoms of ADHD do not necessarily point to an attention disorder. ADHD symptoms can be red flags for unrelated conditions such as inner ear dysfunctions, learning disorders, or sensory integration disorder. Detecting ADHD in pre-school aged children is even harder because the diagnostic criteria point to behaviors appropriate to their age.

Some experts claim to have determined two behavioral patterns that predict an ADHD diagnosis in late childhood. The first is preschool expulsion due to refusal to join in school activities, aggressive behavior, and the inability to respect classmates' boundaries or personal property. The second is peer rejection, when the child is avoided by other kids. Although ADHD might not necessarily be responsible for these problems, it's best to take your child to a doctor to find out the real cause behind these extreme cases.

But what should you do if your child is diagnosed with ADHD? Try getting a second opinion from a holistic doctor trained in functional medicine. Some psychiatrists make hasty ADHD diagnoses after checking symptoms off a list, but a holistic doctor will put your child through various tests to determine the presence of ADHD and what may have caused it. Meanwhile, making some environmental changes might reduce some of the symptoms. If your child goes to a large preschool, trying moving him or her into a smaller preschool with fewer kids, a strong routine, and less extraneous stimulation. A preschool with a small student-to-teacher ratio will make it easier for your child to socialize and receive the extra attention needed.

Behavior therapy is also very effective for very young children. A large study called the Preschool ADHD Treatment Study just discovered that behavior modification can reduce ADHD symptoms in preschool children, even if they experience severe ones. If your child does not respond to behavior modification, a diet change might be in order. Many cases of ADHD are due to food substances like artificial additives, gluten (from wheat), casein (from milk), and other intolerances. Specialized tests from a holistic doctor can determine if food intolerance is behind hyperactive and inattentive symptoms.

ADHD diagnoses are very useful for identifying problems that can interfere with your child's development, but just remember that there are ways to treat hyperactivity and inattention without subjecting your child to stimulant medications.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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A Book Review: Why Can't My Child Behave? Why Can't She Cope? Why Can't He Learn? By Jane Hersey

Dr. Benjamin Feingold, an allergist with Kaiser-Permanente, developed the K-P Diet that eliminated food additives and artificial flavors in the 1960s. While Dr. Feingold passed away in 1982, the program is carried on by volunteers who are members of the Feingold Association.

This book by Jane Hersey has many testimonials that I will not try to reproduce, but I will highlight the program. There have been some studies done that address some of the pieces of the Feingold Diet, but no one has studied the pure program.

Symptoms that Feingold families testify to having seen improvement:

(These symptoms will not improve for everyone. It depends on the underlying cause.)

Easily upset, incessant crying, temper tantrum
Not hearing what is being said
Motor stuck on fast forward
Repeated behavior
You sense that behavior cannot be controlled
Other children avoid playing with your child
Difficulty interacting
Fine one minute, next minute out of control
Demands his way and rules for a game
Off in own world
Always losing things
Homework lost, forgotten or mutilated regularly
Hard time understanding subtle cues, facial expressions
Laugh too loud or inappropriately
Has lots of labels
Attention problems
Screaming after eating
At home fine, school too much
Learning Disabilities
Fine Motor difficulties
Thyroid problems and mood swings
Asthma / Allergies / Hives
Social Skills
Autism / Aspergers
Sleep issues
Nail biting
Earaches and ear infections
Digestion problems
Developmental Delays
Sensory Integration Disorder
Vision Problems
Nasal Polyps

What is the Feingold Program?

1. A test - "for several weeks, you use only foods that are free of synthetic dyes, artificial flavors and three preservatives, as well as a group of foods know as 'natural salicilates.'" p. 16 Keep a record of foods eaten and behaviors seen.

2. All of the remaining foods are usually well tolerated. "If this trial results in an improvement in your child's behavior, or in other target symptoms, then the test becomes a treatment." P. 16

3. "After a few weeks of success you can gradually expand the food choices, adding back natural salicylates one at a time, and watching for any return of old behaviors." P. 16

How to begin....Becoming a member of the Feingold Association is extremely helpful because they are continually researching the ingredients in a wide range of products and keep the members up to date on changes from the Foodlist that comes in the packet. Membership Packet includes:

Foodlist & Shopping Guide
The Feingold Handbook
Medication List
Recipes & Two-Week Menu Plan
Pure Facts - 10 issues of newsletter
FAUS Counseling Line
Salicylate/Aspirin Senstitivity program
Gluten/Casein-free diet information and resources
List of mail order resources for hard-to-find products
For more information and current membership fee: http://www.feingold.org or call 1 800 321-3287

Eliminated on Feingold Program:

Artificial Flavorings

Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal -trademarks)

BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) - antioxidant preservative

BHT (buytlated hydroxytoluene) - antioxidant preservative

Citrus Red # 2 - synthetic coloring

Cyclamate - synthetic sweetner

Ethyl vanillin - synthetic (artificial) flavoring

FD&C colors - synthetic (artificial) coloring

MSG (monosodium glutamate)

Saccharin - synthetic (artificial) sweetner

Tartrazine - FD&C Yellow # 5, synthetic (artificial) coloring

TBHQ - (tertiary butyl hydroquinone) antioxidant

Vanillin - artificial flavoring

Other food dyes.

Natural Salycilates

Almonds, oranges, all berries, tangerine, cherries, nectarine, peach, apricot, apple, plum, prunes, grapes, raisins, cranberry sauce, juices from these fruits, peppers (bell and chili and red), tomato, cucumber or pickles, cloves, currants, coffee, tea, aspirin, oil of wintergreen (methyl salicylate).

Many families have found this and other diets helpful with behavior, coping and learning. Before you invest in a membership, why not give it a trial in your family for at least three weeks? If you find that behavior or focus or learning improves in any member of your family, then you will know that a family membership will benefit you.

Maggie and her husband, Ronnie operate the Center for Neuro Development in Lakewood, Washington. They offer local, on site services as well as some long distance consultation. They work with homeschoolers as well as those who attend school. While many of their clients are challenged with learning they offer products and services for a broad range of individuals. http://www.centerforneurodevelopment.com

For all you need to begin the Feingold Program and Jane Hersey's book: http://www.feingold.org

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5 Steps You Can Take This Summer To Help Improve Your Child's Attention And Behavior Without Drugs

A Summer Home Guide To Help Get Your Child Ready To Succeed in School From Day One!

Summer Program

Getting ready for school next year begins this summer. This vacation break is the perfect time to help your child with attention and behavior problems. In just a few weeks, you can begin to find and fix the underlying causes of the most common attention and behavior problems I find in my practice instead of using drugs to cover the symptoms. This approach has helped thousands of children I have treated at my center. The goal of this article is to give you the information that can start you down the road to help your child succeed in school and in life.


It may surprise you to learn that drugs rarely cure anything. Drugs can cover up symptoms while the body heals itself and that is often how it works. I am not saying that all drugs are bad and that we shouldn't use drugs, but I do think it's important for the public to understand that a doctor's training emphasizes, almost exclusively, the use of drugs. Sometimes this use is appropriate, but it is always important to understand the limits and risks of using drugs. I learned the hard way. I went to medical school at the age of 39 to save my daughter after doctors made her ill with psychiatric drugs for bladder infections.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is officially a psychiatric label. When children are diagnosed with ADHD, they are considered to have a psychiatric disorder. The signs and symptoms of ADHD listed in The Psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM IV) are completely subjective. ADHD cannot be tested with an objective method such as a blood test.


Parents should have the right to decide if they want their child drugged or not. Here are the facts:

1. There is no objective way to diagnose ADHD.

2. The drugs used to "treat" ADHD can cause heart problems and worsening behaviors.

3. The drugs do not help all of the symptoms.

4. There are no long-term studies on the safety or efficacy of the drugs.

5. Many of the drugs used have never been tested on children.

In this article I will discuss how to help identify the most common underlying health and educational causes of the ADHD symptoms I find in my practice and discuss the non-drug techniques and methods I have found to be most effective in treating them.


Low blood sugar actually can occur from eating too much sugar. When someone has low blood sugar, their body releases adrenaline to raise the blood sugar back to normal. This adrenaline can then cause changes in behavior, concentration and focus. Yes, sugar does affect behavior. Sugar affects children even more then it does adults

Even if the child is sitting comfortably in the classroom, trying to pay attention, an adrenaline release can have a profound effect. Studies have shown that if your heart is beating fast, you cannot concentrate or focus. The child can become agitated. Any little thing can now trigger the child to act angrily or even aggressively. Such behavior is not conscious. The child does not choose to act that way. It is a physiological reaction.

The second way to have a low blood sugar is to not eat often enough or to eat carbohydrates instead of proteins. Proteins are meats, eggs, cheese, and nuts. To protect a child from having a low blood sugar response, I have them remove all sugar and artificial sweeteners and begin a diet eating frequent protein to help keep the blood sugar stabilized. In my practice I do a thorough evaluation of the child's diet.

Approach: Consider removing all sugar and artificial sweeteners from your child's diet and add frequent small protein snacks.


Consider that perhaps ADHD doesn't actually stand for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder but really means A Demand for a Healthy Diet. Many children's diets are shameful. Sweetened cereals are still the most popular breakfast item. The FDA's minimum nutritional requirements are based on the amount of nutrients needed to prevent diseases such as rickets, scurvy and pellagra. They do not take into account the modern day problems and symptoms that may be caused by nutritional deficiencies. In conventional medicine, these deficiencies are treated with drugs to cover up the symptoms. Most physicians are not looking for nutritional deficiencies as the underlying cause of health problems.

Looking for the underlying cause of a problem will often lead to a nutritional solution since nutrition affects every way the body works. The body cannot function properly without the right nutrients. It is basic biochemistry taught in medical school that specific nutrients are needed in our body to make the biochemical processes work properly. You might not feel sick without these nutrients, but you may not actually be well either. Your body must compensate and work harder if you don't get the nutrients your body needs to maintain health.

There are literally hundreds of articles in the medical literature showing a correlation between certain nutritional deficiencies and many different health problems, from heart attacks to cancer. Nutritional deficiencies can also affect how we feel, act and think.

Even when we eat more nutritious foods, I do not believe that we can get enough of the nutrients we need from our diets. Not only are most foods laden with sugar and artificial ingredients, many have chemicals added to lengthen their shelf life. Animals are fed antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals before they are slaughtered and fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides while they are growing. All of these things can affect the quality of the foods we eat as well as add unhealthy toxins to our biological systems.

In light of the many problems and concerns with the American diet, I believe that supplementing nutrients can help to make our children healthier, and, as I've seen in my practice, the supplements can make a major difference in how they feel and act. That's why I recommend supplements for all my patients. I have had children in my practice do nothing more than take supplements and improve significantly.

Approach: Use organic foods whenever possible. Find out what deficiencies your child might have and ask your child's healthcare professional for nutritional supplements recommendations.


Allergies do affect how we think, feel and act. Conventional allergists have told me and many of my patients this is not so. They were taught that allergies do not affect behavior or learning. The medical literature says otherwise. The report says the "coincidence of the pollen season, with the timing of examinations, discriminates unfairly against children suffering from allergies. It further asserts that unless the children's allergies can be effectively treated, they should not be expected to maintain the same rate of learning as their normal peers and that it would be fair and/or wise to postpone examinations until the pollen season has passed."

Of course, the recommendations from this report are not being implemented in schools. Instead, these children are being placed on amphetamine-like drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall for what could be an undiagnosed and untreated allergy. I see this all the time in my practice. I find that children who have been on these drugs or whose parents have been pressured to put their child on one of these drugs actually have allergies that caused the learning and behavior symptoms.

The number one food reaction I find in my patients with behavior and learning problems is from cow's milk. Many of these children will improve to some degree when milk is removed from their diet. Milk is not the only source of calcium. We can obtain calcium from many different sources including salmon, broccoli, calcium fortified fruit juices, soy and rice milk, and supplementation.

Approach: Consider finding and removing or treating at all offending foods.


Many chemical fragrances are made from petroleum chemicals. We spray these substances in the air, heat them up in our electrical outlets, and apply them to our bodies through soaps, creams and perfumes. Can you imagine going to the gas station, squeezing the nozzle, filling your cupped hand with gasoline and splashing it all over your body or spraying it in your home? That is what you might be doing when you use some of these products. No wonder our children do not feel well. People with asthma can start wheezing when they are exposed to fragrances. I always recommend that my patients never wear or use fragrances. Even if it doesn't bother them, it could cause a serious health problem for someone with asthma or other breathing problems. These fragrances can also cause headaches which can certainly have a negative affect on how your child learns in class.


I will not see a child at my center if a parent smokes. The parent should never smoke in any of the air space the child uses, even when the child is not in the space at the time. That means never smoke in the car if the child is ever a passenger in that car and never smoke in the house. This also means to never allow anyone else to smoke in those spaces or around your child. I cannot emphasize this enough. Smoke is a very serious toxin and it causes as many health risks for the non-smoker as for the smoker. This was true for one mother who smoked. When I allergy tested her child for tobacco smoke, his behavior changed dramatically. That mom never picked up another cigarette after seeing what a major negative effect it had on her child's behavior. Smoking outside is not the answer either. New studies have found that the toxic chemicals from smoking outside are still on the hair, skin and clothing and when the smoker enters the home, the effects on those in the home are almost as severe as if the person was smoking in the home.

There are many chemicals in our environment with new ones being added all the time. We are just beginning to understand the affect these chemicals have on our environment and on our bodies. I see health problems resulting from chemical exposure everyday. These are not the acute exposures that send people to the emergency room but the chronic ones that cause a multitude of baffling symptoms such as behavior and learning problems, headaches, tiredness, muscle and joint pain and other chronic problems.

Approach: Consider remove all chemicals from your home. Go green for your child.


It is often assumed that all students by the age of five or six have completed the development of skills needed to be successful in school. However this skill development is not automatic and does not occur magically by a certain age. Some students are not prepared for learning in a structured classroom situation and this can affect their entire educational careers. Many programs are available to help children develop visual and auditory learning skills. "Vision Therapy" is available through developmental optometrists and auditory processing programs enhance the ability to listen. Sensory Integration works to strengthen the sensory skills. I have developed a home program based on these established developmental activities that can be done at home.

Approach: Help you child develop learning skills needed in school.

To help you decide if your child has learning differences that can be helped by one of these programs, review the following checklist:

Learning Problems Checklist

A "Yes" Answer to any of these questions may indicate that a child has learning differences and may need help to retrain their auditory, visual and sensory-motor skills.

My child has difficulty remembering left from right. Y or N

My child does not understand how the directions of North and South on a map relate to the world. Y or N

My child is not very coordinated or good at sports. Y or N

My child has difficulty throwing a ball into an intended receptacle, such as a basketball into the goal or a paper wad into the garbage can. Y or N

My child has trouble jumping rope. Y or N

My child does not seem to hear me when I call, but his/her hearing is fine. Y or N

My child seems to wiggle and move all the time and is unable to sit still. Y or N

My child touches everything of interest. Y or N

My child seems to get confused when asked to follow simple directions. Y or N

My child has trouble with handwriting. Y or N

My child is forgetful, unorganized and sometimes confused over what is expected of him/her. Y or N

My child has difficulty remembering more than one verbal request at a time. Y or N

My child describes things using "tactile" words, such as, "That doesn't feel good." and

"You hurt my feelings." Y or N

My child is sensitive about how things feel - complains that clothing is too scratchy,

or stiff and hurts. Y or N

My child has difficulty understanding cause and effect - does not seem to understand simple consequences to specific actions. Y or N

Other Helpful Learning Tips:

Tactile learners can hold something while studying

Listen to classical music with earphones while studying

Make a check list to remind the student of all classes/homework/books to take home

If handwriting is erratic test for handwriting changes before and after eating specific foods.

Keep blood sugar levels even-provide protein snacks and/or meals every two hours.

Practice right and left

Find successes outside the class room, music, art, acting etc.

Find something your child does well and make it part of the first impression with the teacher.

Dr. Mary Ann Block is an international expert on the treatment of attention and behavior problems without drugs and author of the top-selling books, No More ADHD, No More Ritalin, No More Antibiotics: Treating Ear and Respiratory Infections The Natural Way, Breaking Free From ADHD Home Program, The Learn-How-To-Learn Program, The ABC's of Raising Great Kids and Just Because You're Depressed Doesn't Mean You Have Depression. Dr. Block is founder and Medical Director of The Block Center in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, an international clinic for adults and children with chronic health problems.

A tireless advocate for children, Dr. Block has been traveling the country speaking to parent and professional groups and at legislative hearings on the dangers of the psychiatric drugging of our children. Dr. Block has been featured on the CBS news show, 48 Hours, MSNBC's Scarborough Country, and The Montel Williams Show, and interviewed on CNN News, NBC`s Home Page, Fox Network News, The Today Show in New York, The Joni show on Daystar, Your Health with Dr. Becker and is a medical contributor on Trinity Broadcast Network as well as such magazines as Newsweek, Better Homes and Gardens and radio and newspapers across the country.

For More Information on Dr. Block visit http://blockcenter.com

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