2012年3月6日 星期二

Unconscious - The Real Life

Depression, hypertension and various other psychological disorders are a big challenge for medical science as the numbers are steadily increasing for mental imbalance or related disorders and these are incurable with drugs or medicines because these can change the hormonal secretions in the body (temporarily) relaxing it for the specified period of time and consequently, raise the level of the disorder by increasing the 'addiction factor' and decreasing the body's self-adaptability.

About the philosophy

The science of mind is philosophical and opens ideas to know the structure of mind and its functions hypothetically. Unconscious - The Real Life is again a philosophical science that follows modern logical concepts to define all the dimensions of life and also includes measures of previous philosophers and psychologists who gave acceptable hypotheses. In addition to above, the primary importance of the philosophy is in its phenomenon of exploring the concepts, hidden (unknowingly) in the unconscious mind obscured by the clouds of misinformation obtained by the sensory organs and stored as memory, to make the equilibrium of mind-body and the nature which is the (logical) requirement of every human (being).

Knowledge as a therapy

Knowledge is admitted by ancestors of various civilizations as the only effective and eternal medicine for mind-body. Knowledge can change the structure of mind by changing the conceptions and consequently reflect the remedy in (physical) structure of the body. It is the most durable tool since eras where everyone was maintaining mind-body integrity and harmony by the foundation of knowledge required to make mind-body equilibrium. Everyone relies (on this concept) and this reliance may endorse people to discover holistic approach towards the balance in mind-body which was the principle followed by the people born before or in the early ages of this developed civilization.'Peace and satisfaction' is never taken from medicines and from physical efforts (neither); unfortunately, people who knows it are more than a billion but is implied by less than a hundred and they succeed to live happily. These legends try hard to approach all the grounds, however, the world is full of people who run towards the majority which is innocent and the knowledge remains silent.


The terminologies involved in the philosophy have already been included in the various other philosophical sciences or psychological theories taken from the hypotheses originated, prepared or modified in the history. However, the philosophy explains all the terminologies logically to make it easier and acceptable to all, e.g,


"It is the 'significant awareness' in regards to perception." Consciousness may also be defined as 'fractional vigilant unconsciousness' as it is noticed by the philosophers that the work performed by the people does not meet the target they set in their conscious mind. This became apparent and ascertainable when it was noticed with almost all the people involved in the previous studies.


"It is the unorganized ceaseless state of mind." It is unknown, indeterminable and overlaps consciousness frequently. This concept gave philosophers an idea why the people are unable to perform the work entirely according to their set target in the mind. The definition may also be taken as the opposite of consciousness, i.e, the state of insignificant awareness but later it was changed and accepted to the modern definition when it was noticed about the appropriate reaction performed by the people in the previous studies when they were in the unconscious state of mind.


"It is the emergence of the information in the mind in a perceivable way." It may be due to the conscious efforts to obtain information stored in the memory or may be passive.


"The appearance and perception of the thoughts in the state of unconsciousness." Dreams may also be termed as 'the realities of unconscious mind' as they are perceived in the state of unconsciousness in the way the world appears in consciousness. The process of dreaming is unorganizable as it happens in the unconscious mind.


"Consciously pursued memorized thought(s) which needs accomplishment." The philosophy differentiates dreams and desires as-the former dwells in unconsciousness whereas the latter resides in consciousness. These terminologies are the fundamentals to understand the aspects of the philosophy. It includes and describes all the terminologies and their descriptions in a way to make an effective conclusion which may provide the ways to relieve stress and to understand the need of the holistic approach towards the balance in mind-body that may work as a therapy to heal ailments without medication.

Psychology of "Conscious" - The Real Life Myth

Human babies and other living beings of lower level of consciousness such as animals live real life, enjoy every moment, happy from all directions, open to all dimensions (of life), stay healthy and beautiful. Its because their activities are parallel to thought process. They are on the right way by nature and it all happens unless their spontaneity is disturbed. There is no restriction at all because there is no consciousness (to prompt). From the philosophical point of view consciousness is nothing but an easier way to restrict ourselves what to do and what not to do. The moment it starts happening the individuality divides, mind-body integrity starts adjusting to keep harmony and this process becomes worse with (more and more) consciousness that encourages disorders to take space where the mind-body integrity is broken. Most of the times mind gets diverted unconsciously to where consciousness wouldn't like to surrender (may be due to ego) that is how the differences starts appearing (within) and this struggle of conscious and unconscious gives birth to psychological disorders.

Philosophy taken from http://www.lostphd.weebly.com/

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