2012年10月16日 星期二

The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child

Reminiscing about the good old days when we were growing up is a memory trip well worth taking, when trying to understand the issues facing the children of today. A mere 20 years ago, children used to play outside all day, riding bikes, playing sports and building forts. Masters of imaginary games, children of the past created their own form of play that didn't require costly equipment or parental supervision. Children of the past moved... a lot, and their sensory world was nature based and simple. In the past, family time was often spent doing chores, and children had expectations to meet on a daily basis. The dining room table was a central place where families came together to eat and talk about their day, and after dinner became the center for baking, crafts and homework.

Today's families are different. Technology's impact on the 21st century family is fracturing its very foundation, and causing a disintegration of core values that long ago were what held families together. Juggling work, home and community lives, parents now rely heavily on communication, information and transportation technology to make their lives faster and more efficient. Entertainment technology (TV, internet, videogames, iPods) has advanced so rapidly, that families have scarcely noticed the significant impact and changes to their family structure and lifestyles. A 2010 Kaiser Foundation study showed that elementary aged children use on average 8 hours per day of entertainment technology, 75% of these children have TV's in their bedrooms, and 50% of North American homes have the TV on all day. Add emails, cell phones, internet surfing, and chat lines, and we begin to see the pervasive aspects of technology on our home lives and family milieu. Gone is dining room table conversation, replaced by the "big screen" and take out. Children now rely on technology for the majority of their play, grossly limiting challenges to their creativity and imaginations, as well as limiting necessary challenges to their bodies to achieve optimal sensory and motor development. Sedentary bodies bombarded with chaotic sensory stimulation, are resulting in delays in attaining child developmental milestones, with subsequent impact on basic foundation skills for achieving literacy. Hard wired for high speed, today's young are entering school struggling with self regulation and attention skills necessary for learning, eventually becoming significant behavior management problems for teachers in the classroom.

So what is the impact of technology on the developing child? Children's developing sensory and motor systems have biologically not evolved to accommodate this sedentary, yet frenzied and chaotic nature of today's technology. The impact of rapidly advancing technology on the developing child has seen an increase of physical, psychological and behavior disorders that the health and education systems are just beginning to detect, much less understand. Child obesity and diabetes are now national epidemics in both Canada and the US. Diagnoses of ADHD, autism, coordination disorder, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders can be causally linked to technology overuse, and are increasing at an alarming rate. An urgent closer look at the critical factors for meeting developmental milestones, and the subsequent impact of technology on those factors, would assist parents, teachers and health professionals to better understand the complexities of this issue, and help create effective strategies to reduce technology use. The three critical factors for healthy physical and psychological child development are movement, touch and connection to other humans. Movement, touch and connection are forms of essential sensory input that are integral for the eventual development of a child's motor and attachment systems. When movement, touch and connection are deprived, devastating consequences occur.

Young children require 3-4 hours per day of active rough and tumble play to achieve adequate sensory stimulation to their vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile systems for normal development. The critical period for attachment development is 0-7 months, where the infant-parent bond is best facilitated by close contact with the primary parent, and lots of eye contact. These types of sensory inputs ensure normal development of posture, bilateral coordination, optimal arousal states and self regulation necessary for achieving foundation skills for eventual school entry. Infants with low tone, toddlers failing to reach motor milestones, and children who are unable to pay attention or achieve basic foundation skills for literacy, are frequent visitors to pediatric physiotherapy and occupational therapy clinics. The use of safety restraint devices such as infant bucket seats and toddler carrying packs and strollers, have further limited movement, touch and connection, as have TV and videogame overuse. Many of today's parents perceive outdoor play is 'unsafe', further limiting essential developmental components usually attained in outdoor rough and tumble play. Dr. Ashley Montagu, who has extensively studied the developing tactile sensory system, reports that when infants are deprived of human connection and touch, they fail to thrive and many eventually die. Dr. Montagu states that touch deprived infants develop into toddlers who exhibit excessive agitation and anxiety, and may become depressed by early childhood.

As children are connecting more and more to technology, society is seeing a disconnect from themselves, others and nature. As little children develop and form their identities, they often are incapable of discerning whether they are the "killing machine" seen on TV and in videogames, or just a shy and lonely little kid in need of a friend. TV and videogame addiction is causing an irreversible worldwide epidemic of mental and physical health disorders, yet we all find excuses to continue. Where 100 years ago we needed to move to survive, we are now under the assumption we need technology to survive. The catch is that technology is killing what we love the most...connection with other human beings. The critical period for attachment formation is 0 - 7 months of age. Attachment or connection is the formation of a primary bond between the developing infant and parent, and is integral to that developing child's sense of security and safety. Healthy attachment formation results in a happy and calm child. Disruption or neglect of primary attachment results in an anxious and agitated child. Family over use of technology is gravely affecting not only early attachment formation, but also impacting negatively on child psychological and behavioral health.

Further analysis of the impact of technology on the developing child indicates that while the vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile and attachment systems are under stimulated, the visual and auditory sensory systems are in "overload". This sensory imbalance creates huge problems in overall neurological development, as the brain's anatomy, chemistry and pathways become permanently altered and impaired. Young children who are exposed to violence through TV and videogames are in a high state of adrenalin and stress, as the body does not know that what they are watching is not real. Children who overuse technology report persistent body sensations of overall "shaking", increased breathing and heart rate, and a general state of "unease". This can best be described as a persistent hypervigalent sensory system, still "on alert" for the oncoming assault from videogame characters. While the long term effects of this chronic state of stress in the developing child are unknown, we do know that chronic stress in adults results in a weakened immune system and a variety of serious diseases and disorders. Prolonged visual fixation on a fixed distance, two dimensional screen grossly limits ocular development necessary for eventual printing and reading. Consider the difference between visual location on a variety of different shaped and sized objects in the near and far distance (such as practiced in outdoor play), as opposed to looking at a fixed distance glowing screen. This rapid intensity, frequency and duration of visual and auditory stimulation results in a "hard wiring" of the child's sensory system for high speed, with subsequent devastating effects on a child's ability to imagine, attend and focus on academic tasks. Dr. Dimitri Christakis found that each hour of TV watched daily between the ages of 0 and 7 years equated to a 10% increase in attention problems by age seven years.

In 2001 the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement recommending that children less than two years of age should not use any technology, yet toddlers 0 to 2 years of age average 2.2 hours of TV per day. The Academy further recommended that children older than two should restrict usage to one hour per day if they have any physical, psychological or behavioral problems, and two hours per day maximum if they don't, yet parents of elementary children are allowing 8 hours per day. France has gone so far as to eliminate all "baby TV" due to the detrimental effects on child development. How can parents continue to live in a world where they know what is bad for their children, yet do nothing to help them? It appears that today's families have been pulled into the "Virtual Reality Dream", where everyone believes that life is something that requires an escape. The immediate gratification received from ongoing use of TV, videogame and internet technology, has replaced the desire for human connection.

It's important to come together as parents, teachers and therapists to help society "wake up" and see the devastating effects technology is having not only on our child's physical, psychological and behavioral health, but also on their ability to learn and sustain personal and family relationships. While technology is a train that will continually move forward, knowledge regarding its detrimental effects, and action taken toward balancing the use of technology with exercise and family time, will work toward sustaining our children, as well as saving our world. While no one can argue the benefits of advanced technology in today's world, connection to these devices may have resulted in a disconnection from what society should value most, children. Rather than hugging, playing, rough housing, and conversing with children, parents are increasingly resorting to providing their children with more videogames, TV's in the car, and the latest iPods and cell phone devices, creating a deep and widening chasm between parent and child.

Cris Rowan, pediatric occupational therapist and child development expert has developed a concept termed 'Balanced Technology Management' (BTM) where parents manage balance between activities children need for growth and success with technology use. Rowan's company Zone'in Programs Inc. http://www.zonein.ca has developed a 'System of Solutions' for addressing technology overuse in children through the creation of Zone'in Products, Workshops, Training and Consultation services.

Cris Rowan is an impassioned occupational therapist who has first-hand understanding and knowledge of how technology can cause profound changes in a child's development, behavior and their ability to learn. Cris has a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Biology, and is a SIPT certified sensory integration specialist. Cris is a member in good standing with the BC College of Occupational Therapists, and an approved provider with the American Occupational Therapy Association, the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, and Autism Community Training. For the past fifteen years, Cris has specialized in pediatric rehabilitation, working for over a decade in the Sunshine Coast School District in British Columbia.

Cris is CEO of Zone'in Programs Inc. offering products, workshops and training to improve child health and enhance academic performance. Cris designed Zone'in, Move'in, Unplug'in and Live'in educational products for elementary children to address the rise in developmental delays, behavior disorders, and technology overuse. Cris has performed over 200 Foundation Series Workshops on topics such as sensory integration and attention, motor development and literacy, attachment formation and addictions, early intervention, technology overuse, media literacy programs, and school environmental design for the 21st century for teachers, parents and health professionals throughout North America. Cris has recently created Zone'in Training Programs to train other pediatric occupational therapists to deliver these integral workshops in their own community. Cris is an expert reviewer for the Canadian Family Physician Journal, authors the monthly Zone'in Development Series Newsletter and is author of the following initiatives: Unplug - Don't Drug, Creating Sustainable Futures Program, and Linking Corporations to Community. Cris is author of a forthcoming book Disconnect to Reconnect - How to manage balance between activities children need for growth and success with technology use.

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The Components of a Valued ADD-ADHD Private Evaluation

It is not uncommon for parents to feel uncertain about finding a private practitioner to provide a comprehensive evaluation for ADD/ADHD. Generally parents will approach this need by first consulting with their child's pediatrician. This tends to be a good first step in the process given the pediatricians familiarity and expertise with ADD/ADHD. A pediatric office generally will treat a good number of ADD children in their practice either as products of community diagnosticians or their own internal office evaluative process. The high frequency of ADD referrals will often prompt the pediatrician to seek consultative evaluations completed by a familiar mental health practitioner usually a child psychologist. The framework of this professional association will then allow the pediatrician the opportunity to evaluate the child patient medically to rule out any physical problems that may be presenting. Following the completion of a routine physical exam, the pediatrician or family physician would then form a cooperative partnership with the mental health provider to complete the remainder of the evaluation.

Child psychologists are more frequently involved in completing the remainder of the evaluation which will include a choice of various child rating scales and behavior checklists provided to the parents and classroom teacher for completion. Although the rating scales can be a useful piece of information on child behavior and performance, greater emphasis should be placed on additional child and family information that is available. The following areas will provide extremely useful data regarding child functioning:

1. A contact with the child's classroom teacher to discuss the child's typical classroom behavior and performance. Useful information gathered should include a description of the child's general classroom behavior, ability to listen and participate in classroom instruction, ability to engage in assigned tasks, amount of work routinely completed in work periods, motivational aspects that support or interfere with work production, level of physical activity observed in child's work space, the child's interest in meeting learning expectations, the child's level of self confidence when performing academically, and the possible interference of unidentified learning disabilities.

2. An in-depth interview with the parents that includes questions related to pregnancy, birth history, developmental history including landmarks for speech development, early history of illness or injury, family genetic contribution (i.e. immediate or extended members presenting with ADD/ADHD, learning concerns, mood problems, etc), parent's description of the child's typical home behavior, parent's description of classroom performance, and any relevant recent family history that may be recognized as disruptive (i.e. parent conflict or divorce, recent family moves, mental health contacts, difficulties with behavior management at home, emotional or behavioral concerns observed in the child).

3. Observation of child behavior. Brief but relevant behavioral observations of the child are possible in the waiting room prior to the evaluative contact as well as during the period of time when parents and child are together in the examining room.

4. An individual child interview is critical in evaluating the child's general presentation for activity level, maturity level, general orientation, mood, anxiety, task engagement, engagement and maintenance of reciprocal conversation, comprehension and organization of auditory information, speed of processing verbal information, distractibility and attention.

5. School or private evaluations may be available to include in the diagnostic considerations. School evaluations can be an excellent resource for identifying learning disabilities or weaknesses that may be actively interfering with a child's learning and performance in the classroom. It is important to recognize the overlap of inattention and poor task engagement with students struggling with learning concerns. Students with learning concerns are often misidentified as disrupted by ADD/ADHD. Difficulties with inattention and distractibility should be immediately evident in any achievement or cognitive testing that has been attempted with the child.

Once the larger volume of information has been gathered, it then becomes possible to more accurately diagnosis the presence or absence of ADD/ADHD. This can either be attempted by the consulting psychologist independently, or can be offered in a collaborative effort between the pediatrician and the psychologist. If the psychologist should diagnose ADD/ADHD, the pediatrician could then be available to provided a medication intervention if indicated. The psychologist may also have additional recommendations for further intervention as warranted. These recommendations could include:

a. Comprehensive achievement testing to identify possible learning disabilities or weaknesses.

b. Introduction of learning strategies and classroom accommodations based upon the specific learning style suggested for the student.

c. Positive reinforcement contracting in the classroom to target specific on-task and work completion behavior in the classroom.

d. Individual and/or family counseling to address behavior management concerns or perhaps other emotional issues identified by the evaluation.

e. Additional private assessment to address other identified areas of concern to include Sensory Regulation impairment, Learning Issues, Psychiatric Concerns, or other Social/Emotional disorders.

Finally, it is important to recognize the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD to be founded on clinical judgment and diagnostic experience. It should only be attempted by professionals with expertise, practice, and familiarity in the area of ADD diagnostics. Unfortunately, there is not a single testing measure or tool available that can reliably identify the occurrence of this condition. This means that all of the above information will form the data necessary in order to make the best determination. However, extreme caution should be exercised to avoid child practitioners who diagnose this condition based primarily on the results of rating scales. Too often, rating scales are used by practitioners as the main source of collected data on a child patient. While rating scales can provide a "piece of the puzzle" surrounding the areas of concern for a child, they by no means provide the most significant information obtainable concerning child behavior and performance. It is imperative to recognize that "inattention" is a mere symptom of behavior, not an outcome that definitively defines the occurrence of ADD/ADHD. As a symptom, inattention can be observed in multiple diagnostic presentations including learning disabilities, developmental immaturity, cognitive limitations, sensory integration dysfunction, anxiety problems, and mood disorders among the few.

By George Gallegos, Ph.D.


George Gallegos is a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in the Sate of Colorado. He has maintained a private practice for over twenty five years during which time he has developed a long developing expertise with ADHD children. His current work with ADHD assessment and identification is conducted cooperatively with a large pediatric practice. Dr. Gallegos has more recently developed a 78-item test for ADHD entitled the ADHD Pre-Diagnostic Assessment (PDA). The PDA is an ADHD test for parents to use when initial concerns arise about their child. The PDA is intended as a primer measure to help parents decide if a professional evaluation is truly necessary for their child. The PDA can be used to discriminate essential factors that are predictive of ADHD or alternate conditions that interfere with classroom performance including learning disabilities, sensory integration dysfunction, developmental delays, or emotional/behavioral problems.

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2012年10月15日 星期一

Homeschooling Help For Adopted Kids

If you have more than one child then you will certainly understand that children don't come one size fits all. This understanding is fundamental to success at homeschooling but in particular home educating adopted and traumatized kids. It seems the differences in children who are attachment challenged are magnified because of their trauma and so this insight becomes vital.

There are ways you can discover the "keys to the kingdom" as it pertains to your children in order to capitalize on your astute observations about each of them. Each child may need a slightly different approach in their education. I will list three ways to effectively gauge your children's needs below.

1. Discover whether or not your child suffers from post traumatic stress disorder, sensory integration disorder, attention deficit disorder, or autism before you evaluate anything else. Obviously, if one or more of these conditions exist, your journey will be colored by those issues.

2. Find out what your child's love language is. This would be the way your child feels most comfortable giving and receiving love. For example, we have a daughter whose primary love language is touch (meaning she's a cuddle bug) but our oldest son's primary love language is quality time. Neither of them can learn effectively until they have experienced love in their primary love language that day.

3. Search out your child's learning style. There are fabulous resources out there that help you give a simple test to your children to find out how they learn best. For instance, does your son seem to absorb information better when he hears it or when he sees it? Each child will benefit from being taught in his own learning style several times a day or week.

Studying your children before you engage them academically will save you hundreds of dollars in curriculum and hours of frustration. Many people are so eager to begin teaching their kids, they forget about the importance of understanding your student prior to handing out assignments and presenting the material. The big advantage in homeschooling is having the time and ability to know your students well enough to teach them effectively.

Children who have experienced trauma (any adopted child has, just by virtue of being separated from their birth mother) can be especially sensitive to their environment. Investing time in learning about your children before teaching them is vital to success. Many times, something as simple as allowing a kinesthetic learner to sit on an exercise ball while you read aloud, can be the difference between tears or triumph for a parent.

Adoptive parents are particularly in need of stepping back to evaluate before starting because often, their children are suffering from attachment issues in addition to "typical" special needs. Bonding and attachment can be greatly enhanced if a parent is aware of her child's unique approach to learning. Imagine the bonding and attachment that can take place in the midst of educating your child if you have taken the time to know his needs first. Don't let this unique opportunity pass you by!

Sandra Nardoni is a homeschooling adoptive mom of three children, ages 13,11, and 10 and mentors families who need homeschool help with adopted kids with severe behaviors. To watch a free, 10 minute video on homeschooling adopted kids, go to http://www.adoptioncounts.com

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What on Earth is Happening to Our Children? A Therapist's Perspective on a Cultural Change

Beginning my career in the early 1980s, I was employed by a public school system to provide speech and language therapy to school aged children within the setting and the time of school attendance. The problems that children displayed those 25-plus years ago would seem to fit into what I would refer to as "traditional" speech and language therapy. By this I mean we saw children who had problems with articulation (the way that sounds are formed into words), deficits in language knowledge and usage (the understanding and expression of the system for encoding and decoding communication information), difficulties in using fluent speech (stuttering), and disorders of the voice (the quality and attributes of the vocal system). Certainly we had a wide severity range for these areas of difficulty, however the number of disabilities that are now diagnosed and treated in comparison to then is mind-boggling!

In today's culture we see a tremendous increase in the incidence and severity of more and more disorders and disabilities. We see comprehension problems, learning with disabilities, attention disorder, Sensory Integration Disorder (SID), Dyslexia and Alexia, and many more. Another increasing disorder is Autism. Let's look at this disorder in detail. In 1980, autism was considered a rare disorder, with an estimated 2-5 per 10,000 people. In 1999, the California Department of Developmental Services issued a report entitled 'Changes in the Population of Persons with Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders in California's Developmental Services System: 1987 through 1998' which reported a 273% increase in DSM-IV full-criteria autism cases enrolled in their program during that 10 year period of time. Currently, 1 in every 150 children will be diagnosed with autism, a disorder that brings heartache and chaos to basic family dynamics.

As noted earlier, my career began in a public system setting where I traveled between several different schools to provide speech and language therapy to school aged children. At that time, there was only ONE diagnosed case of Autism in the WHOLE school system, and I was assigned to his case. Today one will find numerous diagnosed cases of Autism in every school! One may wonder what is happening to cause such a dramatic increase in this relatively new disability. As a therapist, I have not only noted the unprecedented increase in the diagnosis of autism or one of the various diagnostic labels that fall within the autism spectrum, but also a broader classification system for the diagnosis. The "picture" of the typical autistic child has made dramatic and wide range changes in the years since beginning in the field of speech and language therapy. An extensive review of the medical, professional, and autism interest group literature results in a wide diversity of opinion and explanation to the apparent escalating rise of autism. One will find an extreme pivotal range from the most traditional and conservative to the most transitional and holistic of theory. There are the ones that state that autism has no cure, while others claim that there is a complete and definite cure.

Many medical professionals will explain it as a way of "better diagnoses" or a change in genetics. Some will blame the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccination given to children around their 15-16th month. Others believe it to be a problem of toxins and chemicals found in the foods eaten and the air breathed. Other less common causation theories exist as well. Trying to formulate one's own concrete opinion, given the variety of theories, can be quite confusing.

When we really look at our culture over the past 25 years, many changes have occurred. Our lifestyles and living habits are vastly different. We are now "high-speed" everything: Internet, cell phones, microwaves, drive-through eating, etc. In 1940 processed food constituted only 10% of the American diet, whereas today's diet is 90% processed. A 2005 report issued by the USDA stated every person should consume between 5 to 13 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits daily. But what is the average American person of today feeding their body? A recent national survey indicated that 40% of American people eat NO fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis! In knowing that, is it a wonder that we have a rise in health, learning, and developmental disabilities as we do in this country? Illnesses such as cancer; learning disabilities such as dyslexia; and developmental differences such as autism.

So, in summary, what is happening to our children and to our culture? Why are more and more children diagnosed with medical, emotional, and/or learning disorders? Are the modern advances and conveniences in our culture contributing to weaker minds and bodies? These are very big questions, ones I cannot confirm or deny. But one thing is certain - changes are happening with our children.

As a Speech/Language Pathologist of over 26 years and having practiced in a wide variety of therapeutic settings, Lucy brings to her clients a diversity of patient care knowledge. For the past 12 years, she has specialized her practice in the area of processing disorders and remediation of learning impairments, and she has a passion in seeing her clients succeed in their communicative and learning skills. Lucy now desires to extend the knowledge she has gained in processing and learning remediation to as many children as possible to enable them to reach their full learning and communicative potential in life. To view more of her intervention with children and gain knowledge in how to better assist struggling learners, please visit http://www.learningsolutionsathome.com.

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Misdiagnosis, 161 Medical Problems That Are Not ADHD

There are over 100 conditions that look like ADHD but are not. People diagnosed with ADHD and parents of children with ADHD must be aware that there are many medical conditions that look like ADHD but that are actually caused by another medical problem. ADHD misdiagnosis can be a problem if these conditions are missed.

It is imperative that a correct diagnosis is made before medicating a child or an adult for ADHD. Medicating a person for ADHD when the problem is actually something different is not only a waste of time; it can be dangerous as well.

The list of medical problems that are ADHD-like is long. The 161 problems included here are actually only the tip of the iceberg. Before a diagnosis of ADHD can be made, clinicians must perform a thorough history and physical to rule out other medical issues that may be causing the ADHD like symptoms. The diagnosis of ADHD can be difficult to pin down for other reasons as well. Medical problems that co-exist with ADHD can be the primary diagnosis causing the ADHD.

A good example of this would be problems that cause sleep disorders. Sleep disorder problems will cause ADHD like symptoms because fatigue and lack of sleep leads to inattention, disorganized thinking, working memory problems and a host of other psychological and medical problems but the appropriate treatment for sleep disorders is not ADHD medication. The appropriate treatment is the treatment of the underlying sleep problem.

Pediatricians, Psychiatrists, Internist, and Neurologist can make a correct diagnosis of ADHD by ruling out these medical conditions that can look like ADHD but that is NOT ADHD. The conditions list below can cause the same symptoms that are associated with ADHD. They can look like ADHD. Some of the conditions cause hyperactivity, some cause inattention, some cause impulsive behavior, some cause memory and cognitive deficits and some cause all of the above.

Based on the patient's history and physical examination, further workup with diagnostic and/or laboratory studies as well as a specialist evaluation may be required to avoid making an ADHD misdiagnosis. This list is comprehensive and includes many ADHD-like symptom causing problems but I am certain that there are other ADHD misdiagnosis medical problems that I have left out. The list is in alphabetical order by category, not by the frequency that these conditions are mistaken for ADHD. I have placed an asterisk nest to the categories that have problems that are most commonly mistaken ADHD-like conditions.

*Academic/Learning Problems:

1. Dyslexia

2. Cognitive impairment

3. Specific learning disability

4. Giftedness

5. Memory discrimination problems

6. Mismatch of behavioral style and environmental expectations

7. Inappropriate educational setting

*Allergy Problems such as:

8. Allergy induced Asthma

9. Allergic bronchitis

10. Allergic rhinitis, allergic sinusitis, allergic otitis

11. Wheat, lactose, peanut and other food allergies

12. Allergies to food dyes or preservatives

13. Chronic antihistamine use

Autoimmune disorders

14. AIDS

15. Pandas, Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders

16. Disorders or Carbohydrate metabolism

17. Autoimmune neurological disorders and encephalopathy

*Anemias including:

18. B vitamin deficiency anemia

19. Iron Deficiency

20. Sickle Cell Anemia

Biomedical Problems such as:

21. Lead poisoning

22. Arsenic exposure during development

23. Toluene exposure during development

24. Mercury poisoning

25. PCBs exposure

26. Manganese Poisoning

27. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

28. Prenatal Cocaine Exposure

29. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

30. Organophosphates intoxication

31. Asthma medication reactions

32. Seizure medication reactions

Chronic Illness

33. Viral Infections

34. Bacterial Infections

35. Parasitic Infection

36. Sequelae (symptoms resulting from) of acute infection/trauma

37. Chronic Asthma

38. Chronic Infections

39. Seizure Disorders

40. Sickle Cell Disease

41. Multiple Sclerosis

*Developmental Problems such as:

42. Perceptual/processing disorders

43. Pervasive Normal developmental variation

44. developmental disorders

45. Development Disorders, not otherwise classified

Ear/Nose/Throat Problems such as:

46. Tonsil and adenoid hyperplasia

47. Chronic Ear Infection

48. Chronic Sinusitis

49. Chronic Upper Respiratory Infections

*Emotional Problems such as:

50. Separation anxiety

51. Social Anxiety

52. Generalized Anxiety

53. Attachment disorders

54. Social Skills Problems


55. Traumatic Events (house fires, major motor vehicle accidents)

56. Abuse (sexual, physical or emotional)

57. Loss by separation or death of a loved one

58. Mismatch of behavioral style and expectations

Genetic and or Chromosomal Problems such as:

59. Fragile X syndrome

60. Williams Syndrome

61. Mental retardation

62. Neurofibromatosis

63. XXY syndrome

64. Klinefelter Syndrome

65. XYY Disorder

66. Porphyria

*Hearing Problems such as:

67. Hearing deficits and Hearing loss

68. Auditory Processing problems

69. Auditory Discrimination problems

Infections such as:

70. Parasitic Infections (pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms and hookworm)

71. Untreated or partially treated bacterial infections

72. Viral infections

73. Lingering symptoms of infections


74. Lack of exercise

75. Lack of Green space exposure

76. Poor diet

77. Major life transition (move, change of school)

Metabolic or Endocrine Problems such as:

78. Hypothyroidism

79. Hyperthyroidism

80. Diabetes

81. Hypoglycemia

82. Menopause

83. Hyperbilirubinimia (Gilbert's Disease, mildly high bilirubin, inattention?)

84. PMS

85. Post Partum Depression

*Neurological Medical Problems Including:

86. Tourette's Syndrome

87. Autism Spectrum Disorder

88. Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease

89. Temporal Lobe seizures

90. Absence Seizures

91. Post traumatic sub-clinical seizure disorder

92. Other seizure disorders

93. Neurodegenerative conditions

94. Choreiform disorder

95. Neurological infections

96. Central Nervous System or Brain trauma

97. Sensory Integration Disorders, Sensory defensiveness

98. Migraine Headaches of all varieties

99. Brain Tumors

100. Brain Cyst

101. ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)

102. Disorders of the Spine (infection, tumors, trauma)

Nutritional Problems such as:

103. Iron Deficiencies

104. Zinc Deficiencias

105. Protein Deficiencies

106. B vitamin Deficiency

107. Omega-3 Fatty Acid deficiency

108. Diets high if food colorings, flavorings and preservatives

109. Malnutrition

*Parenting Problems Such as:

110. Inadequate Parenting

111. Child abuse or neglect

112. Inconsistent expectations

113. Developmentally inappropriate parenting

114. Chaotic home environment

115. Stressful home environment

116. Cultural factors

117. Parental psychopathology

118. Parental chemical dependency

119. Parental Substance abuse

120. Exposure to Domestic Violence

Prescription Medication Problems caused by:

121. Asthma Medication

122. Allergies Medication

123. Headache Medication

124. Seizure Disorder Medication

125. Other Medication

*Psychiatric Problems such as:

126. Depression

127. Anxiety

128. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

129. Bipolar Disorder

130. Conduct Disorder

131. Oppositional Defiance Disorder

132. Childhood Mania-Juvenile Bipolar Disorder

133. Dysthymia

134. Psychosis

135. Adjustment Disorder

*Psychosocial Problems such as:

136. Abuse (sexual, physical or emotional)

137. Exposure to Traumatic Events (house fires, major motor vehicle accidents)

138. Domestic Violence

139. Loss by separation or death of a loved one

*Speech and Language Problems such as:

140. Expressive/Receptive language disorder

141. Phonological disorder

142. Dyslexia

143. Dysfluency

144. Apraxia

145. Central auditory processing disorder

*Sleep Disorders such as:

146. Insomnia

147. Breathing related sleep disorders and Sleep Apnea

148. Night Terrors

149. Delayed sleep Onset

150. Sleep Motor Restlessness (Restless Leg Syndrome, Sleep Leg Discomfort)

151. Sleep walking

152. Confusional arousals

153. Snoring

Substance Abuse Disorders

154. Illegal drug use

155. Inadvertent drug intoxication (glue sniffing)

156. Prescription drug abuse

157. Ethanol abuse

*Vision Problems such as:

158. All Vision Impairments

159. Near sightedness

160. Convergence Insufficiency

161. Visual discrimination problems

This post was written because a reader commented here on having been diagnosed as having Gilbert's Disease and wondering if his fatigue and inattention could be related to that diagnosis. I set out to find a comprehensive list of the 'Differential Diagnosis' of ADHD. Differential Diagnosis is a medical term that refers to all the other medical conditions that a physician or health care provider should consider and rule out before deciding on the ultimate diagnosis. I found in my research that most websites with a comprehensive differential diagnosis list make you pay to see the list and I thought this was preposterous.

Here it is for you, free of charge as always. Let me know if I missed anything.

Tess Messer has published many articles on ADHD. She has a Masters degree in Environmental Health and works as a Physician Assistant.

For more ADHD information and links to many free ADHD resources please go to: http://www.primarilyinattentiveadd.com

For information on organizing homework for ADHD students visit: http://www.primarilyinattentiveadd.com/2010/12/inattentive-adhd-but-organized.html

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2012年10月14日 星期日

Chocolate and Anxiety - Can Chocolate Help Relieving Anxiety?

You must have many times read that chocolates are beneficial to health. Chocolates help in anti-ageing, are aphrodisiac and relieve stress. Chocolates have a certain type of effect on people's mode.

Most people also experience strong craving for chocolates at times. Though this is sinful, it is an integral part of life.

However, there are many people who don't know that stress and anxiety can be relieved by eating or drinking chocolate. Chocolate has beneficial levels of magnesium. It is easy to find about 50 mg of magnesium in a 50 gram bar of a chocolate.

This explains the much debatable sedative effect of chocolate on people who are stressed out. The magnesium in chocolate facilitates restoration of the overall balance of the body's magnesium balance.

When experiencing stress, the body tends to deplete the magnesium supply. This results in imbalance of the body's biochemistry. Chocolate also has direct stress reducing effect on the body. It consists of a compound known as anandamide. This compound is also referred to as the 'bliss chemical'.

It works towards binding some specific receptors inside the brain to promote relaxation. Chocolate also contain certain enzyme inhibitors that reduce that ability of body to metabolize anandamide. This prolongs the 'high' experienced by the individual.

Chocolates are enjoyable foods. Phenylethlamine is another mood altering compound found in chocolate. This chemical is released by the brain when one is in love. Most researchers believe that this as a mood-altering factor. The level of phenylethylamine was found only in sausage and cheese.

Chocolates are high in fat content. This triggers the natural opiates production by the brain. A regular chocolate eater tends to sense a calming effect on the sensory pleasures such as smell, taste and mouth.

Here some other benefits of eating chocolate:

a) Chocolate brings happy memories to individuals.

b) Most people tend to relate happy memories to chocolate, Valentine's Day or childhood.

c) Some people believe that chocolate provides you an emotional buzz.

d) It relaxes the body.

e) Chocolate high in carbohydrates tend to increase endorphins and serotonin. These affect sleep patterns.

Dark chocolate are heart healthy. These are rich in antioxidants. The stearic acid helps prevent cholesterol build-up in the circulatory system. It reduces the symptoms of high blood pressure.

Eating chocolate gives out a lot of health benefits to the individual. Chocolate has direct stress reducing effect on the body. It consists of a compound known as anandamide or the 'bliss chemical'. These bind to some specific receptors inside the brain and promote relaxation.

This is quite similar to the effect produced by the marijuana components. The effect may not be as high as taking marijuana. Chocolate also consists of enzyme inhibitors that tend to decrease ability of body for anandamide metabolization. This tends to prolong the 'feeling of high'.

With so many benefits of having chocolates, especially when it comes to decreasing your body's stress levels, you must take special care to add chocolate to your diet.

Download your free eBook "Stop Panic Attacks and Deal with Your Anxious Thoughts" here: http://panicgoodbye.com/freereport.html

From Bertil Hjert - The author of the PanicGoodbye?-program. Read more about this brand new course at: http://PanicGoodbye.com

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Learning Disabilities Versus Learning Differences - The Importance of Knowing the Difference!

When one thinks of the term "learning problem", the words comprehension problems, dyslexia, spelling difficulty, and attention disorder frequently come to mind. Parents wonder, "Does my child have a learning disability?..."Why doesn't my child have the same good grades as his friends?"..."I don't know if my daughter really has a problem learning or if she is just being lazy." They leave parent teachers meetings confused in how best to help their child.

Knowing the difference between a true learning disability and being a different learner is critical to implementing the right teaching method and learning activities for each specific student. Many times children are put through a series of psychological tests to determine if they have a disability in one or more specific area of learning, only to find out that they do not qualify for any special educational services. They attempt to complete grade worksheets after grade worksheets only to demonstrate their inability to perform the tasks. What should be done? Understanding the concepts of learning disability verses learning difference is a start.

According to the regulations for Public Law (P.L.) 101-476 which is entitled The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the definition of Learning Disability is "a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using spoken or written language, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or to do mathematical calculations." The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 4.6 million people in the United States have some type of learning disability. A learning disability may manifest itself with one or more of the following diagnoses: Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Visual Processing Disorder, Dysgraphia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Deficit (ADHD), Reading Comprehension Disorder, Alexia, Sensory Integration Disorder.

On the other hand, the term Learning Difference indicates that some learners tend to acquire new information in a way, or ways that may be unlike those of others. The functions of the brain and how differently they can learn from individual to individual remains a mystery to many in the field of neuroscience. What is clear is that we all process and learn information in our own, unique ways. What may be an adequate way of learning for one, may be inadequate for another. Some individuals learn through their visual senses, or "seeing" the process in action. Auditory learners gain understanding through hearing new information. Others may need to touch and feel the concept that is being taught. And then there are those who learn through body movements and expression of self in space. In actuality, many learners use several styles of learning at the same time to accomplish their learning needs.

The problem with the concept of different learning styles, or individual learning systems, is that many educational systems are organized for one style of teaching. Very often a curriculum is chosen for a particular subject - such as reading - and all children are expected to learn the material as the curriculum is designed. As one can see, this "boxes" a student into a learning style, while he or she may require a very different approach to learning that material. There are wonderful teachers in the public school systems that have the passion, knowledge, and desire to teach students according to their specific learning needs - to provide the learning activities needed for children with learning differences. But, because of budget cuts, lack of necessary personnel, and time limitations, great teachers many times are forced to teach to the majority and not to the minority. By that I mean that approximately 70% of a classroom will be able to learn using traditional, straightforward teaching methods, while the other 30% need a variant approach to learning new principles.

As a Speech/Language Pathologist of many years and one who specializes in processing and learning disorders, I understand the dilemma that many teachers suffer in attempting to educate children. The focus of our nationally mandated concept "No Child Left Behind", although good in theory, makes for a rigid and totally standardized way of teaching and testing. Instead of having the flexibility and opportunity to teach different learning styles, teachers are placed under time and structure constraints for testing outcome purposes. I fear that "No Child Left Behind", as it is being implemented, will result in "Many Children Making a Be-Line" (dropping out of school) because of the pressures being put on them and their learning needs not being met. There is hope for the struggling student! Success can be gained for children who are struggling in their academic lives by identifying and addressing the underlying root cause of a problem and specific learning style needs of each student.

In summary, caution should be made in the differential diagnosis between learning disability and learning difference. A team approach to the diagnosis process can be greatly beneficial to treatment outcomes. There is hope for children struggling to learn. With correct diagnosis, children dealing with the affects of learning disorders can achieve more productively and effectively in their pursuit of personal life goals and ambitions.

Lucy Gross-Barlow: As a Speech/Language Pathologist of over 26 years and having practiced in a wide variety of therapeutic settings, Lucy brings to her clients a diversity of patient care knowledge. For the past 12 years, she has specialized her practice in the area of processing disorders and remediation of learning impairments, and she has a passion in seeing her clients succeed in their communicative and learning skills. Lucy now desires to extend the knowledge she has gained in processing and learning remediation to as many children as possible to enable them to reach their full learning and communicative potential in life.

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Autism Program That Intends to Treat Autistics

No matter how autistic a person is, there are always ways and means to help them grow and have the benefit of normal living. There are a lot of studies and researches made all over the world. Then a program is developed and is now in practice to help control the worst effects of autism. Considering that having an autistic member in the family is a big hassle, there are well developed programs that is being practice. I will give you the most effective program that will surely help and bring them to improvement.

There are programs which intend them to grow their minds, treat all kinds of impairments, social skill programs, quality educational indicators program, and therapeutic programs for autism spectrum disorder. Another program is for the aid in one aspect being verbally impaired and the last one is to maintain their focus on a listening program. Three major components are essential to perform and governed with fragile look and supervision. These programs can be in the form of a simple activity, which can sometimes lead to a worst scenario if misguided. But a good effect will yield of processed correctly and scientifically.

Growing minds program has a focus and step by step process to make it more effective. This program is a play based activity, relationship oriented method, and their educational methods focus on the improvement of physiological side and strategies of the person's sensory. This will engage them to emerge and increase their skills. Processes on the auditory system are maintained to reduce their sensitivity to sounds.

A verbal impaired program is focused on their ability to think behind the factors which will develop their neurons feeding back ability. Games are being used in here to train their cognition when it comes to light and sound effects. Brain builder strategy is observed in this program for their listening, supplements when it comes to nutrition, and even therapeutic music.

Listening program is connected to motor and speech ability to control urge. Expressions on this program is the focus like musical expression, integration of the sensory nerves, build a good mood away from tantrums, motivating their selves to have a self esteem, do and cooperate in any social interactions. Some activities on this program includes reading and writing, physiological balance and even coordination to integrate their senses.

The focus of these programs is to minimize the negative behavior of an autistic person. These may not help them recover totally, but they will have an advance understanding of their situation and have an awareness that is necessarily needed to treat autistics. Programs for autism are available and you just have to choose the appropriate one to make it more effective and reliable. But this again must be administered with maximum supervision for their safety and minimum supervision like feeding them the results of their actions. It is best that they figure out a certain situation with their own discoveries as this also improve their cognitive learning and advance strategies.

I'd like to give you a FREE DVD (worth $97) on shaping your child's autistic behaviors. Click here to claim your FREE DVD today! We only have 250 DVD available, so hurry and get your FREE DVD today and start understanding and helping your child!

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Behavior Characteristics of Autism

According to Wikipedia, it is a brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old.

Another definition states that it is a neurodevelopmental disability, which in normal language is a condition that affects the normal growth of the brain so that the individual has difficulty with day-to-day living.

Autism is one of the five pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), which are characterized by widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, and severely restricted interests and highly repetitive behavior.

Asperger syndrome is another and is a milder form of autism. The main difference in autism and asperger syndrome is that asperger syndrome has no substantial delay in language development.

Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors, which may or may not be evident in infancy (15 to 24 months). Usually these behaviors will be more obvious during early childhood (24 months to 6 years).

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) lists some behaviors that might indicate further evaluation is recommended.

These are:

Your child does not babble or coo by 12 months
Does not gesture (point, wave, grasp) by 12 months

Does not say single words by 16 months

Does not say two-word phrases on his or her own by 24 months

Does not want to cuddle or be cuddled

Below you will find some of the Characteristic Behaviors that are more obvious in children 24 months and older.

Significant difficulties with social interactions:

Has difficulty developing relationships with peers
Lack of interest in playing with other children (prefers being alone)
Has difficulty making eye contact with others
Shows little body language or facial expressions when interacting
Seems uninterested in sharing experiences
Engages less in give-and-take social interaction with others
Inability to share with others

Speech, language, and communication impairments:

Lack of conversational reciprocity
Inability to understand or use facial expressions and body language
Lack of speech, impaired speech or unusual speech
Echoes words or phrases (echolalia)

Significant difficulties in the development of play:

May use only parts of toys
Lines up or stacks objects
Obsessive attachment to objects
Lacks the ability to pretend play

Unusual responses to normal environmental sensory stimulation (hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity), involving sight, hearing (auditory), taste, smell, touch (tactile), proprioception and vestibular senses are quite common and prominent in autistic children.

These senses are known as sensory integration dysfunction. In sensory integration dysfunction also known as the sensory processing disorder (SPD), the senses are not correctly interpreted by the nervous system. In this situation, the world is perceived differently for this child than it actually exists for neurotypical individuals.

Because the nervous system tells the body how to react to this incorrect information, the behaviors are inappropriate for the given situation.

Some examples of these might be:



lack of eye contact
distracted by clutter
agitated with patterns or too many colors

needs a visually stimulating environment (objects that spin and move)
tends to look directly into the lights

Hearing (auditory):

(Hypersensitivity)Easily bothered by noises that may even cause an experience of intense pain
May not respond to sounds, including hearing their name when calledMay make lots of noises (humming, tapping, etc.)Might be insistent on the TV or radio being very loud


Gags easily
Prefers not to mix foods
Has difficulty with certain textures


Tends to constantly have something in the mouth (fingers, objects, or food)

May cause nausea, vomiting, and headaches
May cause agitation

Desires strong aromas
May sniff people and other objects inappropriately

Touch (tactile):

Needs large personal space
May be sensitive to some fabrics, seams and even tags
May have a dislike of touching certain textures
Dislikes being touched
If bumped or pushed, could become unusually angry


Prefers small spaces
May not notice if they are hurt or injured

Proprioception :

Seems clumsy and uncoordinated
Vestibular :

Due to gravitational insecurity, will have difficulty on stairs or escalators
May develop motion sickness easily

(Hyposensitivity)Will seek movement and be in constant motion (rocking, spinning or swinging)
Repetitive stereotypic behavior known as stimming (may involve any or all of the senses to various degrees in different individuals)

Shows interest in very few objects or activities and plays with them in repetitive ways
Performs repetitive routines and resists changes in these routines
Spends time in repetitive movements such as waving a hand in front of his/her face, rocking, spinning or pacing

Below are some examples of these:

Visual - staring at lights, blinking, gazing at fingers, lining up objects

Auditory - tapping fingers, snapping fingers, grunting, humming

Smell - smelling objects, sniffing people

Tactile - scratching, clapping, feeling objects, hair twisting, toe-walking

Taste - licking objects, placing objects in mouth

Proprioception - teeth grinding, pacing, jumping

Vestibular - rocking, hand waving, twirling, spinning, jumping, pacing or other rhythmic, repetitive motions

Difficulties in managing the child:

No real fear of dangers
Tantrums or no apparent reason
Aggressive behavior
Self-mutilation/injurious behavior such as head-banging, self-biting, and self-hitting
Laughing and/or crying for no apparent reason
Showing distress for reasons not apparent to others
Apparent insensitivity to pain
Inappropriate response or no response to sound
Non-responsive to verbal cues - acts as if deaf

The child's development and abilities will seem very uneven - very poor skills in some areas, and exceptional abilities in others, such as music, memory, arithmetic, calendar arithmetic, drawing or manual dexterity - in the manipulation of puzzles and mechanical objects. Those displaying such skills are sometimes referred to as Savants.

There are two other characteristics found in children with autism. These children will tend to have issues with sleep and with stomach problems that can cause chronic constipation or diarrhea.

Now, having any of these characteristic behaviors does not mean your child has autism. It is, however, recommended that a child displaying any of these behaviors should be seen by a professional who is knowledgeable about autism.

For more information on Autism, please visit my website, found below. You will find pretty much everything you will want or need to know about autism and how to deal with it via the many resources, articles as well as videos found there.

Saylor Niederworder


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2012年10月13日 星期六

The Indigo to Lead Them All

It has been said that the human race is in the midst of an evolutionary change. As time goes on, children are coming into this physical reality retaining the conscious spiritual knowledge of whom and what they are. And that change is being heralded in by the indigo children. Indigo children are the "warriors" and "trailblazers" of the new age. And as these indigo children come of age, none of them is getting perhaps more attention than Teal Scott.

Nicknamed "The Spiritual Catalyst", Teal Scott has garnered both attention and devotion from the spiritual community since the release of her first book "The Sculptor in the Sky".

Like most children born with psychic ability in the 1980's, her gifts were not seen as abilities, but rather as illness. She was diagnosed by traditional psychologists with sensory integration disorder when she displayed synaesthesia, reported being able to see "energy" and demonstrated extreme hypersensitivities.

She demonstrated such extraordinarily strong extrasensory abilities in fact that she caught the attention of a Christian cult in the rural town where Teal was raised. She was inducted into this cult and was tortured sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally for 13 years before escaping soon after her nineteenth birthday. The abuse did not serve to make her abandon her abilities (as it was intended to make her do). It has instead served to further fuel her intention to continue on what she calls her "intended path"; a path of using the very abilities which were the cause of the torture she endured as a child to help other people achieve happiness, health and freedom. The case of her abuse became a matter of the state and remains open to this day.

Teal's focus has been far from her past however. Instead, her focus is on the future. She has taken the spiritual and metaphysical communities by storm as she has personally taken it upon herself to demonstrate her teachings to the world. Immediately upon her "coming out" she began captivating audiences with her ability to forgive the perpetrators in her past. Now, she seeks to lead the human race into the understanding that we are all one. She teaches that physical reality is not a static reality. Instead, she teaches that it is energy which is continually molded by the mind to look and sound and feel like it is solid and three dimensional. But perhaps the most revolutionary teaching she offers is the concept that everything which exists in a person's external reality is the mirrored manifestation of what is present within a person's internal reality. This is a bold statement because if this is the case, then self awareness and self mastery are not only the key components to living a happy life but also the direct route to what all life forms seek... happiness.

As more and more people have become aware of Teal Scott and her teachings, she has become much more to some than an extraordinary woman. In fact, she has become more to some than an extraordinary spiritual guide. As the 2012 Mayan calendar end date fast approaches us and members of all faiths are aware of (and even afraid of) the extraordinary change that is afoot, Teal Scott has become a spiritual icon. Many of her followers firmly believe that Teal Scott is a manifestation of the divine, sent to lead humanity through these trying times. This reputation is said to not easily be refuted when one meets with her in person. Many people who have sat within her presence describe the symptoms of their chronic illnesses vanishing miraculously. Others describe experiencing the overwhelming feeling of complete love and light as they undergo out of body experiences. And as her reputation continues to grow, she had been inundated by pleas from people asking for her personal blessings.

Whether one believes that Teal Scott as an extraordinary woman, a spiritual guide or a manifestation of the divine, the truth remains the same that a new revolutionary has come into public attention and has left many wanting more.

Anne Whinney is a Thought Field Therapist operating out of Southern California.

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Neurofeedback Works With Brainwaves to Make Change Easy

On a daily basis, millions of times per second, the brain transmits messages to the rest of the body through electrical impulses sent by the central nervous system. When the brain is impaired due to illness, stress, diet or accidents these electrical impulses called brainwaves are affected and therefore this creates abnormal rhythmic patterns. The brain will continue to send these abnormal patterns (until it is shown a normal pattern) and therefore imbalances are created in the body and symptoms of stress appear.

The brainwave is an electrical waveform pattern that can be seen by placing non-invasive sensors in certain places on the surface of the patients scalp. The sensors allow the brainwave EEG patterns to be displayed on a computer screen so they can be studied, analyzed and an accurate diagnosis can be established.

Neurofeedback is one way to help the brain to bring itself and the body back into balance. It involves a superior form of biofeedback which needs highly specialized computer equipment to human brainwave electrical impulses. When the patient is provided with this "feedback," through auditory or visual means, the patient then starts to learn to produce different brainwave patterns.

This is a non invasive method which is actually relaxing and pleasant for the patient and is therefore not painful. Some clients participate in 1 hour sessions 1-3 times per week for approximately 20 to 40 sessions. Sizeable research has shown that there are a range of disorders that are positively changed by this process, including depression, anxiety, ADD, autism, Aspergers, hyperactivity, post traumatic stress disorder, certain closed head injuries, PPD, sensory integration disorder, headaches, stroke, seizure disorders and even learning or dyslexic disabilities.

Neurofeedback is important and beneficial because it provides the client with a highly effective treatment without medication. In some cases, however, patients may start their neurofeedback from the referral of a physician who is treating the symptoms with medication. If the symptoms are not resolving with medication, neurofeedback can enhance the effects and possibly lower the dose.

Through the highly advanced and intricate sensory systems we learn about the world around us. Our brains process this information and that is what determines exactly who we are and how we portray ourselves to the world. At RHI we offer various ways to optimize brain functioning and therefore reduce challenging symptoms that can be either problems in communication that some couples may have, attention deficiencies such as ADD, depression, headaches and sensory integration complexities.

For more information about Neurofeedback St Louis and Biofeedback St Louis visit http://www.rhistl.com/

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An ADHD Natural Remedy is the Answer to Your Child's Problems

An ADHD natural remedy is still regarded as alternative. This is paradoxical when we consider that natural remedies should be the norm and any synthetic chemicals manufactured in a laboratory should be the alternative option!

The Internet as an education tool

If we reflect on the power of the Internet, we can note with some relief that things are now changing and information and awareness are now increasing. The result is that parents are more aware of alternatives such as an ADHD natural remedy and they can make informed choices. They are also much more savvy about ADHD drugs and their potential for causing health problems. In other words, the public is becoming much more educated.

Sensory Integration Disorder

One problem often overlooked when looking at ADHD treatment is how to deal with the very difficult problem of SID (Sensory Integration Disorder) which is a co-morbid condition with ADHD.

This can manifest itself in various ways but the basic problem is that the child cannot distinguish incoming sensory messages. These can range from noises, smells, touch and taste.

Sometimes children just cannot stand the taste of certain foods so diet becomes a real problem. Others cannot stand the sense that the medicines give them or its taste and smell and so on. The reason is that the imbalance in brain chemicals is just not allowing them to make certain distinctions and even the textures of things like fruit and vegetables may be completely unacceptable to the child.

Why ADHD children have difficulty in focusing

It also explains why they cannot focus very well because the brain is flooded with all sorts of messages and sounds all competing for their attention. Now we know why they are having trouble in focussing on a task and why inattentiveness is such a common symptom. Their filter mechanisms are just defective.

It also explains why they are having difficulty in controlling their impulsivity. So, an ADHD natural remedy like an ADHD homeopathic one is ideal in cases like this.

Advantages of ADHD homeopathic remedies.

First, they help the child to remain calmer and more focused because the ingredients are aimed at restoring a rather delicate balance in the brain. Secondly there is no problem of taste or smell as these medicines do not have any and as they are drops they can easily be popped into their favourite beverage. In addition the actual ingredients are all registered in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).

I know that the company mentioned m in my website is a FDA registered facility which is just another guarantee that these products are completely safe.

Now that you know that an ADHD natural remedy has so many advantages, why not click through and see for yourself. Then you can make an informed decision about what is right for your child.

Yes, you CAN raise happier, calmer and better behaved children. Discover how an ADHD natural remedy can turn your child around. Experts now tell us that child behavior modification combined with a natural treatment for ADHD is by far the most effective ADHD treatment. Visit http://www.child-behavior-home.com to find out more about ADHD child behavior problems.

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2012年10月12日 星期五

What are the Different Forms of Autisim

There are many different types of autism, and just as with many things you can't just group all Autistic people into one category. Autisim range of symptoms covers a very large field. It will include autistics who are very near to being dysfunctional and appear to be mentally retarded, to the autistic who shows very mild symptoms, or who has received therapy to control their autistic traits to the point of appearing to be normal to the average person.

Autistic persons will be often categorized between those who have an IQ of less than 80 being categorized as having what is called "low-functioning autism", while the autistic person who's IQ is higher than 80 are categorized as having what would be called "high-functioning autism". This method of categorization is not usually accepted or used by medical professionals when dealing with the autistic person. Normally the terms high or low high functioning autism are used to describe the level at which the autistic person can perform the daily activities that are a part of living, and related to their IQ level. Within the Autistic community the use of the labels, high functioning autism, and low functioning autism, are seen to be highly controversial by many autistics.

Many service providers who serve the autistic community still rely to heavily on a person's IQ, with the ability to function on a daily basis may not work with autistic people who test at a high IQ level, or in the case of a person with a low IQ level fail to acknowledge the potential of many of the autistic people who are diagnosed as having low functioning autism. With all the information about autism which is available it is hard to believe, but some within the medical profession still will not recognize autistics who can write or speak as suffering from autism at all.

This all leads to many with high functioning autism, as well as the autistic person who has a fairly normal IQ, being left undiagnosed. This furthers the idea that autism automatically implies mental retardation. Even having said this it should be noted that the number of diagnoses for high functioning autism are now showing a sharper rise, than those for low functioning autism. One reason for this may be due to better diagnostic testing for autism.

Asperger's Syndrome and Kanner's Syndrome

In the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders the biggest difference when comparing Autistic Disorder (Kanner's) and Asperger's Syndrome would be that a Autistic Disorder will include; observed delays or even abnormal levels in at least one and maybe more of the following areas, normally the onset of symptoms of autism will be before the age 3 years old: The first would be in the area of social interaction, second would be problems with language as used in social settings, or the third area would be in symbolic or imaginative play that would not be considered to be a normal level for the average child. While in Asperger's Syndrome there would only be a slight, to no observed delay noticed.

While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not really include levels of intellectual function for the diagnosing of Asperger's Syndrome, it is a proven statistical fact that those person's who do have Asperger's Syndrome will as a general rule will tend to out perform those autistics with Kanner's Autisim or Low Functioning Autisim this has led to a popular idea that Asperger's Syndrome can be thought of as being synonymous with high functioning autism, or that it could be considered as a totally separate disorder from autism. A popular belief is that those autistic individuals who have a higher level of intellectual function do in fact actually have Asperger's Syndrome.

Autisim as a spectrum disorder Autisim disorders also come under the heading of autistic spectrum disorders. A closely related disorder would be, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, which would involve just how well a person is able to use the information that they receive from their senses. Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Autism, as well as Asperger's Syndrome, have been found to be closely related and in many cases have been found to overlap each other.

While still subject to much debate, there are some people who believe that there might be two separate scenarios for the timeline for the onset of regular autism, these would be early infantile autism and regressive autism. Early infantile autism would be present at the time of childbirth, and regressive autism would begin between the ages of 18 months and 36 months.

Kevin Caldbeck is the owner and publisher of several websites dealing strictly with Health Issues Todays Families are Facing. For more information about autism and the autistic community be sure to check out the resources available for you at http://www.answers-about-autism.info or http://www.better-your-health.com

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Panic Attacks & Cerebellar-Vestibular Dysfunction - Huh?

This may surprise you; however, pivotal to any discussion of the biology of panic attacks is the inner ear; home of our ability to hear and, for the purposes of this particular chat, our balance and equilibrium headquarters. No doubt, this consideration doesn't get as much press as other biological triggers of panic, so tune-in.

Okay, then - we're going to need to discuss a wee-bit of anatomy here, so hang with me. Within the extremely complex environment of the inner ear is a tad of fluid-filled (endolymph) anatomy known as the membranous labyrinth, the largest part of which floats in a fluid called perilymph. Now, all of this is contained in a structure known as the bony labyrinth. Are you with me?

Within the membranous labyrinth is a relatively large area known as the vestibule, which contains two connected sacks. One of these sacks, the utriculus, is the principal organ of what is known as the vestibular system. In its efforts to maintain balance and equilibrium, the vestibular system receives and integrates information from the eyes, ears, and muscles of the trunk, neck, and limbs. One of the major communication conduits employed is the brain's cerebellum, which - no surprise - plays a huge role in the integration of sensory perception, as well as motor control. Now, that wasn't too bad, was it?

Disorders of the vestibular system can cause all sorts of mental, emotional, and physical problems, including panic attacks and anxiety. For example, chronic anxiety is a common side effect of labyrinthitis, an inflammation of the inner ear labyrinths; and a panic attack may, indeed, be one of the first signs of the onset of infection. So it's fact, and it's significant, that labyrinthitis, a dysfunction of the vestibular system, can cause panic.

Turning the tables, research has shown that vestibular system dysfunction may actually occur as a result of anxiety. Go figure. Panic seen within the context of vestibular system dysfunction may well be triggered by any number of physiological processes that merit examination; however, the most significant trigger is the misinterpretation of, and overreaction to, the unpleasant symptoms it produces.

As we take a look at these symptoms, I don't think you'll find it difficult to envision yourself panicking in their presence; especially if you had no idea as to why the symptoms were presenting. Here are just a few: dizziness, loss of balance, increased physiological responses to stress and anxiety, motion sickness, headache, attention and focus issues, tinnitus (a ringing or high-pitched buzzing noise), trouble focusing and tracking with the eyes, distorted hearing, confusion, and loss of memory. Think those would make you edgy?

It all makes perfect sense to me. Anything causing abnormal and unpleasant sensations, or feelings of altered consciousness, is a breeding ground for panic attacks. Certainly, symptoms such as these would present problems for any panic sufferer, or for anyone predisposed to panic.

So, cerebellar-vestibular dysfunction. Perhaps you'd not considered it as it applies to panic attacks, but I'm thinking you may want to give it some thought.

I've worked hard in helping others with creative and effective relief strategies for depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. And it's all based in my own emotional and mental health history and recovery; as well as my clinical training and experience in counseling. I'm inviting you to visit my blog at http://chipur.com. It's a haven of sharing, learning, and relief for those enduring depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Come on, stop on by and participate, won't you?

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Feeling Fat (or Thin) May Be a Trick of the Mind

Whether you feel fat, thin or something in between has little to do with the reality of the situation, suggests a new study led by the University College London (UCL) and published in the journal Public Library of Science Biology. A person's self-image is an illusion constructed in the brain, the researchers say.

Dr. Henrik Ehrsson of the UCL Institute of Neurology and colleagues used a trick called "the Pinocchio illusion" to give study volunteers the sensation that their waists were shrinking. They used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to scan the participants' brains during the experience and observe which parts of the brain are involved in body image.

The results may shed some light on anorexia, an eating disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder. People with the latter condition typically are overconcerned about a small or imagined defect in their body, and they frequently overestimate or underestimate their actual body size.

Brain Creates a Map of the Body

A vibrating device placed on each study volunteer's wrist served to stimulate the tendon and create the sensation that the joint was flexing, even though it remained stationary. When their hands touched their waists, the volunteers felt their wrists bending, creating the illusion that their waists were shrinking.

During the tendon exercise, all 17 participants felt that their waist had shrunk by up to 28 percent. The researchers found high levels of activity in the posterior parietal cortex, an area of the brain that integrates sensory information from different parts of the body. Volunteers who reported the strongest shrinking sensation also showed the strongest activity in this area of the brain.

"We process information about our body size every day, such as feeling thin or fat when we put our clothes on in the morning, or when walking through a narrow doorway or ducking under a low ceiling," says Dr. Ehrsson.

"However -- unlike more elementary bodily senses such as limb movement, touch and pain -- there are no specialized receptors in the body that send information to the brain about the size and shape of body parts. Instead, the brain appears to create a map of the body by integrating signals from the relevant body parts, such as skin, joints and muscles, along with visual cues," Dr. Ehrsson adds.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

"Other studies have shown that people with injuries in the parietal cortex area of the brain experience the feeling that the size and shape of their body parts have changed. People who suffer from migraine with aura can sometimes experience a phenomenon called the 'Alice in Wonderland syndrome,' where they feel that various body parts are shrinking," notes. Dr. Ehrsson.

"This could also be linked to the same region of the brain," he points out.

"In addition, people with anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder who have problems with judging the size of their body might similarly have a distorted representation of their body image in the parietal cortex. These are areas which would be worth exploring in future research, to establish whether this region of the brain is involved in anorexia and the rare but peculiar shrinking symptoms of some migraines," Dr. Ehrsson concludes.

Copyright 2005 Daily News Central

Rita Jenkins is a health journalist for Daily News Central, an online publication that delivers breaking news and reliable health information to consumers, healthcare providers and industry professionals: http://www.dailynewscentral.com

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2012年10月11日 星期四

Effectively Dealing With Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Childhood professionals deal with a complex variety of issues every day such as sensory integration dysfunction, ADHD, and similar challenges. In their quest to provide the most effective tools and techniques to help children reach their full potential in life, it can be confusing about which methods are best.

Fortunately, Many companies has done much of the research and homework on a variety of tools and strategies to support childhood professionals and parents when teaching children. Some of the most effective tools are the SticKids, Alert program, and weighted therapy resources.

But what makes these tools so effective and why should childhood professionals or parents utilize them in their care plans?

SticKids and Alert Program value

First of all, the SticKids and Alert Programs are evidence based resources that help parents and teachers understand the basic concepts of sensory processing. It only by understands the neurological basis which drives behavior that we can begin to help and teach children. These tools are proven to help teach successful self-regulation skills which are fundamental to a child's ability to manage sensory integration challenges.

Some of the sensory integration challenges and typical processing demonstrated by children include:

- Avoiding or unnecessarily seeking sensory input in daily events.

- Emotional sensitivity, melt-downs, or need for retreat and isolation.

- Difficulty with focus, arousal, and self-regulation for normal everyday tasks.

- Reduced quality of motor response such as coordination, balance, or sequencing.

The SticKids and Alert Programs are specifically designed with these issues in mind and they are aimed at providing the appropriate level of guidance and stimulation needed to overcome sensory integration issues. And since they are for use by both parents and professionals, it helps ensure a 360 degree approach and consistency when teaching children to reach their full potential at home, at school, and in social settings.

Weighted Therapy solutions:

Weighted therapy is also recognized as deep pressure therapy and there has been a significant amount of research conducted on its effectiveness in recent years. Based on research results, using weighted lap pads, weighted blankets, or weighted vests can have a clinical benefit in helping children become calm and relaxed. It enhances and promotes their ability to concentrate and focus more successfully.

Just 5-10% of a child' body weight can be effective. Monitoring the use of weighted therapy is important since children should not use the therapy for extended periods of time or when sleeping.

Based on the recent results of weighted therapy, it is probable that additional research will further solidify the value and significance of this treatment modality. It is a simple solution that reaps far-reaching benefits for children who have sensory integration dysfunction.

Website resources as supplements

In addition to providing valuable resources such as SticKids, the Alert Program, and Weighted Therapy tools, few of resource providing companies also offer valuable website with general information for teachers and parents. These websites are packed with compelling information and statistics to support these treatment modalities. There are also a number of online tours where SticKids software can be tested first-hand to understand exactly how it works.

These websites include a variety of resources proven to be effective for children with Asperger's, ADHD, and other sensory integration related dysfunction. Books, games, CDs, DVDs, and other tools make it easy and fun for children to learn and develop their skills.

Tools are focused on all age groups and can be adapted according to a child's age and situation. From pre-schoolers through adolescents and adults, the materials and tools are effective.

Help children reach their full potential

With such a barrage of external and environmental influences surrounding children today, it makes good sense to surround them with proven treatment modalities that help them successfully interact with others. These tools also enable them to learn new skills both physiologically and neurologically. When children are able to better manage the influences that drive any type of sensory integration dysfunction, they are better able to reach their full potential every day.

Kate Horstmann is an occupational therapist working in the Evolve Behavior Support Team, Disability Services Queensland, Australia. She has over ten years' experience of working with children and adolescents with a range of difficulties including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, autism and developmental disorders.

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5 Effective Special Education Methodologies For Children With Autism

Do you have a child with autism, pervasive developmental disorder, or Aspergers Syndrome? Have you been searching for specific methodologies that could benefit your child's education? This article will discuss 5 that are proven to help children with autism learn.

Curricula that are used to teach children are required by law to be research based which means that they are proven to work to teach children. The problem is that many school districts are sticking to antiquated curricula and methodologies, rather than looking for research based ones.

Below is a list of 7 that you can ask for to benefit your child's education:

1. Applied Behavioral Analysis has been researched since 1987 and is proven to help children with disabilities learn. ABA is intense 1-1 from 25-40 hours per week. Children are taught skills in a simple step by step manner such as teaching colors one at a time. ABA is extremely expensive; between $35,000 and $50,000 per year. For maximum benefit the child should start as close to age 3 as possible and continue for at least 4 years. Many states are beginning to cover autism treatment, so check and see if your state is one of them.

2. Reading should be taught using a multisensory reading instruction that is Orton-Gillingham based. Make sure that any teacher that teaches your child has received the appropriate amount of training. Also make sure that they are giving your child direct instruction, for the amount of time that the reading system prescribes. Many school districts may use a good multisensory reading program, but do not train the teachers, and do not give the child direct instruction for the prescribed amount.

A few names of multi sensory reading programs are: the Barton Reading and Spelling System, Lindamood Bell system, and the Wilson reading program.

3. Social Skills can be taught by using the SOS system (Social Skills in School) by Dunn. Also Building Social relationships by Bellim, or Social Skills interactive software. A new method for teaching children how to develop relationships is called the Relationship Development Intervention.

4. For Central Auditory Processing disorder there are several effective methods available; Fast ForWord, Earrobics, and Berard Auditory Integration Training (called Berard AIT). Also make sure that the method used is used for the correct amount of time, or progress may be minimal.

5. For children with sensory integration disorder there is a program called the Alert Program: How Does Your Engine Run? Occupational therapy is also used for children with sensory integration dysfunction (SID-which most children with autism have). If your child is receiving occupational therapy for SID, make sure that the schools OT has the correct training, to deal with sensory integration issues. Ask for proof that they are SIPT qualified, before they are allowed to work with your child.

By knowing these 5 methodologies you will be well on your way to helping your child with autism learn. The internet can be used to find more information on those methods that you feel will help your child. Good Luck!

JoAnn Collins is the mother of two adults with disabilities, and has helped families navigate the special eduation system, as an advocate, for over 15 years. She is a presenter and author of the book "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game." The book has a lot of resources and information to help parents fight for an appropriate education for their child. For a free E newsletter entitled "The Special Education Spotlight" send an E mail to: JoAnn@disabilitydeception.com. For more information on the book, testimonials about the book, and a link to more articles go to: http://www.disabilitydeception.com

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